A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _
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All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- AboutDialogController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui
- AboutDialogController() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.AboutDialogController
- AccelerationMode - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda
App-wide hardware acceleration mode.
- ACCESS_FAST - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.Enum
- ACCESS_MASK - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.Enum
- ACCESS_READ - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.Enum
- ACCESS_RW - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.Enum
- ACCESS_WRITE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.Enum
- acquire() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SinglePermitSemaphore
Acquires the permit.
- ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.AdaptiveThresholdTypesEnum
the threshold value \f$T(x, y)\f$ is a weighted sum (cross-correlation with a Gaussian window) of the \f$\texttt{blockSize} \times \texttt{blockSize}\f$ neighborhood of \f$(x, y)\f$ minus C .
- ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.AdaptiveThresholdTypesEnum
the threshold value \f$T(x,y)\f$ is a mean of the \f$\texttt{blockSize} \times \texttt{blockSize}\f$ neighborhood of \f$(x, y)\f$ minus C
- AdaptiveThresholdTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- add(int, C) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
Adds the Node from this controller to the specified index in the observable list.
- add(C) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
Adds a controller to the map.
- addAll(int, Collection<C>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
Adds all of the Nodes from this collection of controllers to the observable list at the specified index in the Observable List.
- addAll(C...) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
Adds multiple controllers to the map at once.
- addAll(Collection<C>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
Adds multiple controllers to the map at once.
- addCallback(Consumer<opencv_core.Mat>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.HttpImageHandler
Adds a callback to this handler.
- addConnection(Connection) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- addConnection(Connection) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
Adds a connection to the socket.
- addConnection(Connection) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketImpl
- addControls(Node...) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.SourceController
Adds the given Nodes to the node that should hold the controls.
- addDataSupplier(String, Supplier<?>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http.DataHandler
Adds a supplier for data with the given name.
- addHandler(Handler) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
Adds the given handler to the server.
- addInput(TInput) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TStep
Adds an already created TInput to a step.
- addIsSaveDirtyConsumer(Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.Project
- addLineToLog(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.LogTextArea
Adds a line to the log.
- addListener(Service.Listener, Executor) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
- addListener(Service.Listener, Executor) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- addListener(Service.Listener, Executor) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
This is only guaranteed to add the listeners to future services.
- addListener(Consumer<Object>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkReceiver
Add a listener to the NetworkReceiver item.
- addObserver(Observer<? super T>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.Observable
Add an observer to this observable.
- addObserver(Observer<? super T>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.SimpleObservable
- addObserver(Observer<? super T>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.SynchronizedObservable
- addOperations() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations
Submits all operations for addition on the
. - addOperations() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.Operations
Submits all operations for addition on the
. - addOutput(TOutput) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TStep
Adds an already created TOutput to a step.
- addRow(Object...) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.CsvExporter
Appends a data row to the bottom of the table.
- addRow(List<?>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.CsvExporter
Appends a data row to the bottom of the table.
- AddSourceButton - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline
A box of buttons that let the user add different kinds of
s. - AddSourceButton.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline
- addStep() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.OperationController
- addStep(int, Step) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
Adds the given step to the pipeline.
- addStep(Step) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- addStepBetween(Step, Step, Step) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
Adds the step between two other steps.
- ALGORITHM - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ParamEnum
- aliases() - Method in annotation type edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation.Description
All known aliases of the operation.
- aliases() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription
This is used to preserve compatibility with old versions of GRIP if the operation name changes.
- aliases(String...) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription.Builder
Sets the aliases.
- AnalysisController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.analysis
Controller for the analysis view.
- AnalysisController() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.analysis.AnalysisController
- angle() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport.Line
- APPEND - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageModeEnum
value, open the file for appending
- AppSettings - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.settings
Holds settings for the GRIP app.
- AppSettings() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.AppSettings
- AppSettingsBeanInfo - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.settings
BeanInfo class for
. - AppSettingsBeanInfo() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.AppSettingsBeanInfo
- AppSettingsChangedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event fired when the app settings are changed.
- AppSettingsChangedEvent(AppSettings) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.AppSettingsChangedEvent
- area() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport.Contour
- asLoggableString() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.events.LoggableEvent
Creates a string representation of this event to be logged.
- asLoggableString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.WarningEvent
- AUTO_STEP - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.MatEnum
- AUTO_STEP - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatEnum
- AutoRestartingService<S extends com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service
A Restartable Service that will automatically restart itself if
- AutoRestartingService(Supplier<S>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
This will create an AutoRestartingService that will always restart whenever the existing service enters the
state. - AutoRestartingService(Supplier<S>, ServiceRestartPolicy) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
- awaitRunning() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
- awaitRunning() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- awaitRunning() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
- awaitRunning(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
- awaitRunning(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- awaitRunning(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
- awaitTerminated() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
- awaitTerminated() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- awaitTerminated() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
- awaitTerminated(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
- awaitTerminated(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- awaitTerminated(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
- BadAlign - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- BadAlphaChannel - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- BadCallBack - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- BadCOI - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- BadDataPtr - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- BadDepth - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- BadImageSize - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
image size is invalid
- BadModelOrChSeq - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- BadNumChannel1U - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- BadNumChannels - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- BadOffset - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
offset is invalid
- BadOrder - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- BadOrigin - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- BadROISize - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- BadStep - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- BadTileSize - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- BASE_STYLE_CLASS - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.StartStoppableButton
- baseType() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TSocket
This checks if a step is mutable and returns the type.
- baseTypeHelper(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TInput
- baseTypeHelper(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TSocket
Can be overridden by a subclass.
- beginDrag(T, Node, String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.dragging.DragService
Begins the drag action.
- BenchmarkEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event posted before and after a pipeline is benchmarked.
- BenchmarkRunner - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics
Benchmark runner.
- Blob(double, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlobsReport.Blob
- BLOBS - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.JavaToMessageConverter
- BlobsReport - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
This class is used as the output of operations that detect blobs in an image.
- BlobsReport() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlobsReport
Create an empty blob report.
- BlobsReport(MatWrapper, List<BlobsReport.Blob>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlobsReport
- BlobsReport.Blob - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
- BlobsSocketPreviewView - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview
A SocketPreviewView for BlobsReports that shows the original image with circles overlayed onto it, showing the location and size of detected blobs.
- BlobsSocketPreviewView(GripPlatform, OutputSocket<BlobsReport>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.BlobsSocketPreviewView
- BlurOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
that softens an image using one of several different filters. - BlurOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlurOperation
- BOOL - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.JavaToMessageConverter
- BOOLEAN - edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource.Types
- BOOLEAN - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ParamEnum
- BooleanPublishable - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
An adapter to allow booleans to be published from GRIP sockets into a
. - BooleanPublishable(Boolean) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.BooleanPublishable
- BORDER_CONSTANT - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVBorderTypesEnum
- BORDER_CONSTANT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.BorderTypesEnum
`iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiiii` with some specified `i`
- BORDER_DEFAULT - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVBorderTypesEnum
- BORDER_DEFAULT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.BorderTypesEnum
same as BORDER_REFLECT_101
- BORDER_ISOLATED - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVBorderTypesEnum
- BORDER_ISOLATED - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.BorderTypesEnum
do not look outside of ROI
- BORDER_REFLECT - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVBorderTypesEnum
- BORDER_REFLECT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.BorderTypesEnum
- BORDER_REFLECT_101 - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVBorderTypesEnum
- BORDER_REFLECT_101 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.BorderTypesEnum
- BORDER_REFLECT101 - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVBorderTypesEnum
- BORDER_REFLECT101 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.BorderTypesEnum
same as BORDER_REFLECT_101
- BORDER_REPLICATE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.BorderTypesEnum
- BORDER_TRANSPARENT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.BorderTypesEnum
- BORDER_WRAP - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.BorderTypesEnum
- BorderTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- BOTH_AXES - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.enumeration.FlipCode
- build() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription.Builder
Builds a new
. - build() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.ROSLoader
- build() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings.Builder
Builds a new
object. - build() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.Builder
- builder() - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription
Creates a new
instance to create a newOperationDescription
object. - builder() - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
- builder(CodeGenerationSettings) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
Creates a builder with defaults from the given settings.
- Builder(Class<T>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.Builder
- callOp(TStep) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.CppTMethods
- callOp(TStep) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.JavaTMethods
- callOp(TStep) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.PythonTMethods
- callOp(TStep) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.TemplateMethods
Converts a step into a string the represents the call of the operation in the correct language.
- CameraSource - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
Provides a way to generate a constantly updated
from a camera. - CameraSource.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- CameraSource.FrameGrabberFactory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
Allows for the creation of a frame grabber using either a device number or URL string address.
- CameraSource.FrameGrabberFactoryImpl - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- CameraSourceController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source
Provides controls for a
. - CameraSourceController.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source
- CameraSourceUpdater - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- canConnect(OutputSocket<?>, InputSocket<?>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.ConnectionValidator
Determines if an output socket can be connected to an input socket.
- canConnect(OutputSocket<?>, InputSocket<?>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- canConnect(Socket, Socket) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.ConnectionValidator
Resolves which
is theOutputSocket
and which is theInputSocket
and callsConnectionValidator.canConnect(OutputSocket, InputSocket)
. - canConvert(Class) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.ConnectionConverter
- canConvert(Class) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.SocketConverter
- canConvert(Class) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.SourceConverter
- canConvert(Class) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.StepConverter
- CannyEdgeOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
An operation that performs canny edge detection on an image.
- CannyEdgeOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.CannyEdgeOperation
- CascadeClassifierOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
Operation for identifying parts of an image with a cascade classifier.
- CascadeClassifierOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.CascadeClassifierOperation
- category() - Method in annotation type edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation.Description
The category the operation belongs to.
- category() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription
- category(OperationCategory) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription.Builder
Sets the category.
- CC_STAT_AREA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ConnectedComponentsTypesEnum
The total area (in pixels) of the connected component
- CC_STAT_HEIGHT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ConnectedComponentsTypesEnum
The vertical size of the bounding box
- CC_STAT_LEFT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ConnectedComponentsTypesEnum
The leftmost (x) coordinate which is the inclusive start of the bounding box in the horizontal direction.
- CC_STAT_MAX - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ConnectedComponentsTypesEnum
- CC_STAT_TOP - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ConnectedComponentsTypesEnum
The topmost (y) coordinate which is the inclusive start of the bounding box in the vertical direction.
- CC_STAT_WIDTH - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ConnectedComponentsTypesEnum
The horizontal size of the bounding box
- centerX() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport.Contour
- centerY() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport.Contour
- CHAIN_APPROX_NONE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ContourApproximationModesEnum
stores absolutely all the contour points.
- CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ContourApproximationModesEnum
compresses horizontal, vertical, and diagonal segments and leaves only their end points.
- CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_KCOS - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ContourApproximationModesEnum
applies one of the flavors of the Teh-Chin chain approximation algorithm @cite TehChin89
- CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ContourApproximationModesEnum
applies one of the flavors of the Teh-Chin chain approximation algorithm @cite TehChin89
- channels() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Gets the number of color channels in this image.
- CHECKBOX - edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.View
- CheckboxInputSocketController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
for booleans that shows a checkbox for the user to turn on or off. - CheckboxInputSocketController.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
- checkNamePresent() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublisher
Checks that the name is present before performing any operation.
- CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
- ClassifierSource - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
A source for the path to a XML classifier file (e.g.
- ClassifierSource(OutputSocket.Factory, ExceptionWitness.Factory, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ClassifierSource
- ClassifierSource(OutputSocket.Factory, ExceptionWitness.Factory, Properties) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ClassifierSource
- ClassifierSource.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- ClassifierSourceController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source
Provides controls for a
. - ClassifierSourceController.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source
- ClassListProcessor - Class in edu.wpi.grip.annotation.processor
Processes elements with the GRIP annotations and generates class list files for them.
- ClassListProcessor() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.annotation.processor.ClassListProcessor
- className(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings.Builder
Sets the generated class name.
- classNameFor(Connection) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.StyleClassNameUtility
Return the CSS class name for a connection.
- classNameFor(Step) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.StyleClassNameUtility
Return the CSS class name for a step.
- classNameForStepHolding(OperationDescription) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.StyleClassNameUtility
- Cleaner - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
Cleans up unused objects by periodically calling
to nudge the garbage collector to clean up dead native (JavaCV) objects. - Cleaner() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.Cleaner
- cleanUp() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.Operation
Allows the step to clean itself up when removed from the pipeline.
- cleanUp() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.PublishVideoOperation
- cleanUp() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CudaOperation
- cleanUp() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.PublishAnnotatedOperation
- clear() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.CsvExporter
Clears the stored data in the exporter.
- clear() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
Remove everything in the pipeline.
- clear() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.LogTextArea
- clear() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
- clearException() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.ExceptionWitness
Indicate that there isn't currently an exception.
- clone() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.AppSettings
- clone() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- close() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublisher
Close the network publisher.
- close() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkReceiver
Close the network receiver.
- close() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.JavaCvSink
- CMP_EQ - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CmpTypesEnum
src1 is equal to src2.
- CMP_GE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CmpTypesEnum
src1 is greater than or equal to src2.
- CMP_GT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CmpTypesEnum
src1 is greater than src2.
- CMP_LE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CmpTypesEnum
src1 is less than or equal to src2.
- CMP_LT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CmpTypesEnum
src1 is less than src2.
- CMP_NE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CmpTypesEnum
src1 is unequal to src2.
- CmpTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- CodeGenerationOptionsController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration
Controller for the code generation options pane.
- CodeGenerationOptionsController() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.CodeGenerationOptionsController
- CodeGenerationSettings - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.settings
Holds options for code generation.
- CodeGenerationSettings.Builder - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.settings
- CodeGenerationSettingsChangedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event fired when code generation settings are changed.
- CodeGenerationSettingsChangedEvent(CodeGenerationSettings) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.CodeGenerationSettingsChangedEvent
- CodeGenerationSettingsConverter - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization
XStream converter for
. - CodeGenerationSettingsConverter(Project, EventBus) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.CodeGenerationSettingsConverter
- CodeGenerationSettingsDialog - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration
Dialog for code generation settings.
- CodeGenerationSettingsDialog(Pane) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.CodeGenerationSettingsDialog
Creates a new dialog to display code generation settings.
- COLOR_BayerBG2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerBG2BGR_EA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
Edge-Aware Demosaicing
- COLOR_BayerBG2BGR_VNG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
Demosaicing using Variable Number of Gradients
- COLOR_BayerBG2GRAY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerBG2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerBG2RGB_EA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerBG2RGB_VNG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerGB2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerGB2BGR_EA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerGB2BGR_VNG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerGB2GRAY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerGB2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerGB2RGB_EA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerGB2RGB_VNG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerGR2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerGR2BGR_EA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerGR2BGR_VNG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerGR2GRAY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerGR2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerGR2RGB_EA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerGR2RGB_VNG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerRG2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerRG2BGR_EA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerRG2BGR_VNG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerRG2GRAY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerRG2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerRG2RGB_EA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BayerRG2RGB_VNG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR2BGR555 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
convert between RGB/BGR and BGR555 (16-bit images)
- COLOR_BGR2BGR565 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
convert between RGB/BGR and BGR565 (16-bit images)
- COLOR_BGR2BGRA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
add alpha channel to RGB or BGR image
- COLOR_BGR2GRAY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
convert between RGB/BGR and grayscale, @ref color_convert_rgb_gray "color conversions"
- COLOR_BGR2HLS - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
convert RGB/BGR to HLS (hue lightness saturation), @ref color_convert_rgb_hls "color conversions"
- COLOR_BGR2HLS_FULL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR2HSV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
convert RGB/BGR to HSV (hue saturation value), @ref color_convert_rgb_hsv "color conversions"
- COLOR_BGR2HSV_FULL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR2Lab - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
convert RGB/BGR to CIE Lab, @ref color_convert_rgb_lab "color conversions"
- COLOR_BGR2Luv - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
convert RGB/BGR to CIE Luv, @ref color_convert_rgb_luv "color conversions"
- COLOR_BGR2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR2RGBA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
convert between RGB and BGR color spaces (with or without alpha channel)
- COLOR_BGR2XYZ - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
convert RGB/BGR to CIE XYZ, @ref color_convert_rgb_xyz "color conversions"
- COLOR_BGR2YCrCb - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
convert RGB/BGR to luma-chroma (aka YCC), @ref color_convert_rgb_ycrcb "color conversions"
- COLOR_BGR2YUV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
convert between RGB/BGR and YUV
- COLOR_BGR2YUV_I420 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR2YUV_IYUV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR2YUV_YV12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR5552BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR5552BGRA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR5552GRAY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR5552RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR5552RGBA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR5652BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR5652BGRA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR5652GRAY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR5652RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGR5652RGBA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGRA2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
remove alpha channel from RGB or BGR image
- COLOR_BGRA2BGR555 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGRA2BGR565 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGRA2GRAY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGRA2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGRA2RGBA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGRA2YUV_I420 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGRA2YUV_IYUV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_BGRA2YUV_YV12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_COLORCVT_MAX - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_GRAY2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_GRAY2BGR555 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
convert between grayscale and BGR555 (16-bit images)
- COLOR_GRAY2BGR565 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
convert between grayscale to BGR565 (16-bit images)
- COLOR_GRAY2BGRA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_GRAY2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_GRAY2RGBA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_HLS2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_HLS2BGR_FULL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_HLS2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_HLS2RGB_FULL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_HSV2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
backward conversions to RGB/BGR
- COLOR_HSV2BGR_FULL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_HSV2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_HSV2RGB_FULL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_Lab2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_Lab2LBGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_Lab2LRGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_Lab2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_LBGR2Lab - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_LBGR2Luv - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_LRGB2Lab - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_LRGB2Luv - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_Luv2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_Luv2LBGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_Luv2LRGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_Luv2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_mRGBA2RGBA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2BGR555 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2BGR565 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2BGRA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2GRAY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2HLS - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2HLS_FULL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2HSV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2HSV_FULL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2Lab - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2Luv - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2RGBA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2XYZ - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2YCrCb - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2YUV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2YUV_I420 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
RGB to YUV 4:2:0 family
- COLOR_RGB2YUV_IYUV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGB2YUV_YV12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGBA2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGBA2BGR555 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGBA2BGR565 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGBA2BGRA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGBA2GRAY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGBA2mRGBA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
alpha premultiplication
- COLOR_RGBA2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGBA2YUV_I420 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGBA2YUV_IYUV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_RGBA2YUV_YV12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_XYZ2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_XYZ2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YCrCb2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YCrCb2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGR_I420 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGR_IYUV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV21 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGR_UYNV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGR_UYVY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGR_Y422 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGR_YUNV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGR_YUY2 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGR_YUYV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGR_YV12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGR_YVYU - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGRA_I420 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGRA_IYUV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGRA_NV12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGRA_NV21 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGRA_UYNV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGRA_UYVY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGRA_Y422 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGRA_YUNV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGRA_YUY2 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGRA_YUYV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGRA_YV12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2BGRA_YVYU - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2GRAY_420 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2GRAY_I420 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2GRAY_IYUV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2GRAY_NV12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2GRAY_NV21 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2GRAY_UYNV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2GRAY_UYVY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2GRAY_Y422 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2GRAY_YUNV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2GRAY_YUY2 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2GRAY_YUYV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2GRAY_YV12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2GRAY_YVYU - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGB_I420 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGB_IYUV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGB_NV12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
YUV 4:2:0 family to RGB
- COLOR_YUV2RGB_NV21 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGB_UYNV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGB_UYVY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
YUV 4:2:2 family to RGB
- COLOR_YUV2RGB_Y422 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGB_YUNV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGB_YUY2 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGB_YUYV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGB_YV12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGB_YVYU - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGBA_I420 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGBA_IYUV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGBA_NV12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGBA_NV21 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGBA_UYNV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGBA_UYVY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGBA_Y422 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGBA_YUNV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGBA_YUY2 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGBA_YUYV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGBA_YV12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV2RGBA_YVYU - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV420p2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV420p2BGRA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV420p2GRAY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV420p2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV420p2RGBA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV420sp2BGR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV420sp2BGRA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV420sp2GRAY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV420sp2RGB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- COLOR_YUV420sp2RGBA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- ColorConversionCodesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- COLORMAP_AUTUMN - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum

- COLORMAP_BONE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum

- COLORMAP_COOL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum

- COLORMAP_HOT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum

- COLORMAP_HSV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum

- COLORMAP_JET - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum

- COLORMAP_OCEAN - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum

- COLORMAP_PARULA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum

- COLORMAP_PINK - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum

- COLORMAP_RAINBOW - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum

- COLORMAP_SPRING - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum

- COLORMAP_SUMMER - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum

- COLORMAP_WINTER - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum

- ColormapTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- cols() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Gets the number of columns in this image.
- compare(Step, Step) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.StepIndexer
Compares two steps based on their indexes.
- completeDrag() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.dragging.DragService
This should be called when the drag action is complete.
- computePrefWidth(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ResizableImageView
- configure() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.GripCoreModule
- configure() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.GripCudaModule
- configure() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.GripFileModule
- configure() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.GripNetworkModule
- configure() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.GripSourcesHardwareModule
- configure() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.GripUiModule
- ConnectedComponentsTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- connectedProperty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.SocketHandleView
The boolean property that indicates if this socket has at least one connection going in or out of it.
- connectingProperty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.SocketHandleView
The boolean property that indicates if this socket is currently in the middle of being connected to another socket.
- Connection<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
A connection is a rule that causes one socket to update to always the value of another socket.
- Connection.Factory<T> - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core
- ConnectionAddedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event that occurs when a new connection is added to the pipeline.
- ConnectionAddedEvent(Connection) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ConnectionAddedEvent
- ConnectionConverter<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization
An XStream converter that marshals and unmarshals
s. - ConnectionConverter() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.ConnectionConverter
- ConnectionRemovedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event that occurs when a connection is removed from the pipeline.
- ConnectionRemovedEvent(Connection<?>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ConnectionRemovedEvent
- ConnectionValidator - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core
to be validated to ensure that the pipeline will remain valid. - ConnectionView - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline
A JavaFX shape that renders itself as a curve connecting two sockets.
- ConnectionView(Connection) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.ConnectionView
- contains(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.ContextStore
Checks if the given context has been recorded in this store.
- containsKey(Object) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
- containsValue(Object) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
- CONTENT_TYPE_HTML - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GenericHandler
HTTP content type for HTML.
- CONTENT_TYPE_JSON - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GenericHandler
HTTP content type for json.
- CONTENT_TYPE_PLAIN_TEXT - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GenericHandler
HTTP content type for plain text.
- contentProperty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.TitledPane
- context - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GenericHandler
The context that this handles.
- ContextStore - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.http
Keeps a record of contexts claimed by HTTP request handlers.
- ContextStore() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.ContextStore
- CONTINUOUS_FLAG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.MatEnum
- CONTINUOUS_FLAG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatEnum
- Contour() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport.Contour
- ContourApproximationModesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- CONTOURS - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.JavaToMessageConverter
- ContoursReport - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
The output of
. - ContoursReport() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport
Construct an empty report.
- ContoursReport.Contour - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
- ContoursSocketPreviewView - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview
A preview view for displaying contours.
- ContoursSocketPreviewView(GripPlatform, OutputSocket<ContoursReport>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ContoursSocketPreviewView
- Controller - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui
A controller should always provide a method to get the root node that it is controlling.
- ControllerMap<C extends Controller,N extends javafx.scene.Node> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.util
Keeps track of the Nodes in an observable list and provides mapping from a
to its respectiveController
. - ControllerMap(ObservableList<N>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
- convert(MatWrapper) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ImageConverter
- convert(J, Message, MessageFactory) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.JavaToMessageConverter
Takes a java type and a message that type maps to and adds the data to the message.
- convert(opencv_core.Mat) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ImageConverter
Convert a BGR-formatted OpenCV
into a JavaFXImage
. - convert(Message, MessageFactory) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.ROSMessagePublisher.Converter
- convertImage() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.BlobsSocketPreviewView
- convertImage() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ContoursSocketPreviewView
- convertImage() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ImageBasedPreviewView
Converts the input data to an image and render it in the
. - convertImage() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ImageSocketPreviewView
- convertImage() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.LinesSocketPreviewView
- convertImage() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.RectangleSocketPreviewView
- ConvexHullsOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
that finds the convex hull of each of a list of contours. - ConvexHullsOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ConvexHullsOperation
- CooldownRestartPolicy - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service
Allows you to define a cooldown between failures.
- CooldownRestartPolicy() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.CooldownRestartPolicy
- CooldownRestartPolicy(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.CooldownRestartPolicy
- COPY_ON_MAP - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatDataEnum
- copyNewMat(opencv_core.Mat) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSourceUpdater
- copyTo(MatWrapper) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Copies the data of this wrapper into another.
- copyTo(opencv_core.GpuMat) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Copies the data of this wrapper to a mat in GPU memory.
- copyTo(opencv_core.Mat) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Copies the data of this wrapper to a mat in host memory.
- CoreCommandLineHelper - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
A helper class for command line options for GRIP.
- CoreCommandLineHelper() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.CoreCommandLineHelper
Creates a new core commandline helper with the standard options.
- CoreCommandLineHelper(Option...) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.CoreCommandLineHelper
Creates a command line helper with all the standard options, plus any additional options required by subclasses.
- COUNT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.TermCriteriaTypeEnum
the maximum number of iterations or elements to compute
- COVAR_COLS - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CovarFlagsEnum
If the flag is specified, all the input vectors are stored as columns of the samples matrix.
- COVAR_NORMAL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CovarFlagsEnum
The output covariance matrix is calculated as: \f[\texttt{scale} \cdot [ \texttt{vects} [0]- \texttt{mean} , \texttt{vects} [1]- \texttt{mean} ,...] \cdot [ \texttt{vects} [0]- \texttt{mean} , \texttt{vects} [1]- \texttt{mean} ,...]^T,\f] covar will be a square matrix of the same size as the total number of elements in each input vector.
- COVAR_ROWS - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CovarFlagsEnum
If the flag is specified, all the input vectors are stored as rows of the samples matrix.
- COVAR_SCALE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CovarFlagsEnum
If the flag is specified, the covariance matrix is scaled.
- COVAR_SCRAMBLED - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CovarFlagsEnum
The output covariance matrix is calculated as: \f[\texttt{scale} \cdot [ \texttt{vects} [0]- \texttt{mean} , \texttt{vects} [1]- \texttt{mean} ,...]^T \cdot [ \texttt{vects} [0]- \texttt{mean} , \texttt{vects} [1]- \texttt{mean} ,...],\f] The covariance matrix will be nsamples x nsamples.
- COVAR_USE_AVG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CovarFlagsEnum
If the flag is specified, the function does not calculate mean from the input vectors but, instead, uses the passed mean vector.
- CovarFlagsEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- CPP - edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.Language
- CppTMethods - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration
- CppTMethods() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.CppTMethods
- CPU_AVX - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_AVX_512BW - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_AVX_512CD - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_AVX_512DQ - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_AVX_512ER - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_AVX_512F - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_AVX_512IFMA512 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_AVX_512PF - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_AVX_512VBMI - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_AVX_512VL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_AVX2 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_FMA3 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_MMX - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_NEON - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_POPCNT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_SSE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_SSE2 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_SSE3 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_SSE4_1 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_SSE4_2 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CPU_SSSE3 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- CpuFeaturesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- cpuIn - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CudaOperation
The mat used for an input to the CPU operation.
- cpuOut - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CudaOperation
The output mat of a CPU operation.
- create() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.AddSourceButton.Factory
- create(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport.Contour
- create(int) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer.JettyServerFactory
- create(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer.JettyServerFactoryImpl
- create(int) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource.Factory
- create(int) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource.FrameGrabberFactory
- create(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource.FrameGrabberFactoryImpl
- create(int, int, int) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Allocates new array data if needed.
- create(C) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.ROSManager
- create(C) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.ROSNetworkPublisherFactory
- create(OperationMetaData) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Step.Factory
- create(OperationMetaData) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.OperationController.Factory
- create(InputSocket<Boolean>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.CheckboxInputSocketController.Factory
- create(InputSocket<Number>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.NumberSpinnerInputSocketController.Factory
- create(InputSocket<Number>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.SliderInputSocketController.Factory
- create(InputSocket<String>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.TextFieldInputSocketController.Factory
- create(InputSocket<List<Number>>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.RangeInputSocketController.Factory
- create(InputSocket<List>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.ListSpinnerInputSocketController.Factory
- create(InputSocket<T>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.InputSocketController.BaseInputSocketControllerFactory
- create(InputSocket<T>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.InputSocketControllerFactory
Create an instance of
appropriate for the given socket. - create(InputSocket<T>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.SelectInputSocketController.Factory
- create(OutputSocket) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.OutputSocketController.Factory
- create(OutputSocket<? extends T>, InputSocket<T>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.Connection.Factory
- create(OutputSocket<T>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.SocketPreviewViewFactory
Create an instance of
appropriate for the given socket. - create(Socket) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.SocketHandleView.Factory
- create(SocketHint<T>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Factory
- create(SocketHint<T>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocketImpl.FactoryImpl
- create(SocketHint<T>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.OutputSocket.Factory
- create(SocketHint<T>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.OutputSocketImpl.FactoryImpl
- create(SocketHint<T1>, SocketHint<R>, OneSourceOneDestinationOperation.Performer<T1, R>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- create(SocketHint<T1>, SocketHint<T2>, SocketHint<R>, TwoSourceOneDestinationOperation.Performer<T1, T2, R>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- create(SocketHint<T1>, SocketHint<T2>, SocketHint<T3>, SocketHint<R>, ThreeSourceOneDestinationOperation.Performer<T1, T2, T3, R>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- create(SocketHint<T1>, SocketHint<T2>, SocketHint<T3>, SocketHint<T4>, SocketHint<R>, FourSourceOneDestinationOperation.Performer<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- create(SocketHint<T1>, SocketHint<T2>, SocketHint<T3>, SocketHint<T4>, SocketHint<T5>, SocketHint<R>, FiveSourceOneDestinationOperation.Performer<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- create(SocketHint<T1>, SocketHint<T2>, SocketHint<T3>, SocketHint<T4>, SocketHint<T5>, SocketHint<T6>, SocketHint<R>, SixSourceOneDestinationOperation.Performer<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- create(SocketHint<T1>, SocketHint<T2>, SocketHint<T3>, SocketHint<T4>, SocketHint<T5>, SocketHint<T6>, SocketHint<T7>, SocketHint<R>, SevenSourceOneDestinationOperation.Performer<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, R>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- create(CameraSource) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.CameraSourceController.Factory
- create(ClassifierSource) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.ClassifierSourceController.Factory
- create(HttpSource) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.HttpSourceController.Factory
- create(MultiImageFileSource) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.MultiImageFileSourceController.Factory
- create(VideoFileSource) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.VideoFileSourceController.Factory
- create(Step) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.StepController.Factory
- create(RestartableService) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.StartStoppableButton.Factory
- create(File) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ImageFileSource.Factory
- create(File) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.VideoFileSource.Factory
- create(Class<?>, Properties) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.Source.SourceFactory
- create(Class<?>, Properties) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Source.SourceFactoryImpl
- create(Object) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Timer.Factory
- create(Object) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.ExceptionWitness.Factory
- create(Object, String) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.ExceptionWitnessResponderButton.Factory
- create(String) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.MapNetworkReceiverFactory
- create(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.networktables.NTManager
- create(String) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.PythonScriptFile
- create(String) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource.Factory
- create(String) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource.FrameGrabberFactory
- create(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource.FrameGrabberFactoryImpl
- create(String) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ClassifierSource.Factory
- create(String) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.HttpSource.Factory
- create(String, NetworkTableEntrySource.Types) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource.Factory
- create(URL) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.PythonScriptFile
- create(List<File>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.MultiImageFileSource.Factory
- create(List<File>, int) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.MultiImageFileSource.Factory
- create(Properties) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource.Factory
- create(Properties) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ClassifierSource.Factory
- create(Properties) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.HttpSource.Factory
- create(Properties) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ImageFileSource.Factory
- create(Properties) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.MultiImageFileSource.Factory
- create(Properties) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource.Factory
- create(Properties) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.VideoFileSource.Factory
- create(Set<String>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http.HttpPublishManager
- create(Set<String>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.MapNetworkPublisherFactory
- create(Set<String>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.networktables.NTManager
- create(S) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.SourceController.BaseSourceControllerFactory
- create(S) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.SourceControllerFactory
Create an instance of
appropriate for the given socket. - createAllMatOneSource(OneSourceOneDestinationOperation.Performer<MatWrapper, MatWrapper>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- createAllMatOneSource(SocketHint<MatWrapper>, SocketHint<MatWrapper>, OneSourceOneDestinationOperation.Performer<MatWrapper, MatWrapper>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- createAllMatOneSourceCuda(OneSourceOneDestinationCudaOperation.Performer<MatWrapper, MatWrapper>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- createAllMatTwoSource(TwoSourceOneDestinationOperation.Performer<MatWrapper, MatWrapper, MatWrapper>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- createAllMatTwoSource(SocketHint<MatWrapper>, SocketHint<MatWrapper>, SocketHint<MatWrapper>, TwoSourceOneDestinationOperation.Performer<MatWrapper, MatWrapper, MatWrapper>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- createAllMatTwoSourceCuda(TwoSourceOneDestinationCudaOperation.Performer<MatWrapper, MatWrapper, MatWrapper>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- createBooleanSocketHint(String, boolean) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints
- createBooleanSocketHint(String, boolean) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints.Outputs
- createCheckboxSocketHint(String, Boolean) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints.Inputs
- createCuda(SocketHint<Boolean>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Factory
- createCuda(SocketHint<Boolean>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocketImpl.FactoryImpl
- createCuda(SocketHint<T1>, SocketHint<R>, OneSourceOneDestinationCudaOperation.Performer<T1, R>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- createCuda(SocketHint<T1>, SocketHint<T2>, SocketHint<R>, TwoSourceOneDestinationCudaOperation.Performer<T1, T2, R>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- createCuda(SocketHint<T1>, SocketHint<T2>, SocketHint<T3>, SocketHint<R>, ThreeSourceOneDestinationCudaOperation.Performer<T1, T2, T3, R>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- createCuda(SocketHint<T1>, SocketHint<T2>, SocketHint<T3>, SocketHint<T4>, SocketHint<R>, FourSourceOneDestinationCudaOperation.Performer<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- createCuda(SocketHint<T1>, SocketHint<T2>, SocketHint<T3>, SocketHint<T4>, SocketHint<T5>, SocketHint<R>, FiveSourceOneDestinationCudaOperation.Performer<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- createCuda(SocketHint<T1>, SocketHint<T2>, SocketHint<T3>, SocketHint<T4>, SocketHint<T5>, SocketHint<T6>, SocketHint<R>, SixSourceOneDestinationCudaOperation.Performer<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- createCuda(SocketHint<T1>, SocketHint<T2>, SocketHint<T3>, SocketHint<T4>, SocketHint<T5>, SocketHint<T6>, SocketHint<T7>, SocketHint<R>, SevenSourceOneDestinationCudaOperation.Performer<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, R>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- createEnumSocketHint(String, T) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints
- createFlagSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublishOperation
Creates a list of input sockets that control which items to publish.
- createFlagSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.PublishAnnotatedOperation
- createFlagSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.ROSPublishOperation
- createImageSocketHint(String) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints
- createInitialValue() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.BasicSocketHint
- createInitialValue() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint
Constructs the initial value if an initial value provider was supplied.
- createInitialValue() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.SocketHintDecorator
- createNumberListRangeSocketHint(String, Number, Number) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints.Inputs
- createNumberSliderSocketHint(String, Number, Number, Number) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints.Inputs
- createNumberSocketHint(String, Number) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints
- createNumberSocketHint(String, Number) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints.Outputs
- createNumberSpinnerSocketHint(String, Number) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints.Inputs
- createNumberSpinnerSocketHint(String, Number, Number, Number) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints.Inputs
- createOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Source
- createOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- createOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ClassifierSource
- createOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.HttpSource
- createOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ImageFileSource
- createOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.MultiImageFileSource
- createOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource
- createOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.VideoFileSource
- createPointSocketHint(String) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints.Outputs
- createPointSocketHint(String, boolean) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints.Inputs
- createPointSocketHint(String, int, int) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints.Inputs
- createSizeSocketHint(String) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints.Outputs
- createSizeSocketHint(String, boolean) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints.Inputs
- createSocketHint() - Method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource.Types
- createStringSocketHint(String, String) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints.Outputs
- createTextSocketHint(String, String) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHints.Inputs
- CropOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
Crop an image to an exact width and height using one of several origin modes.
- CropOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.CropOperation
- CSHttpCameraFrameGrabber - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- CSHttpCameraFrameGrabber(String, int, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSHttpCameraFrameGrabber
- cssSelectorForInputSocketHandleOn(Step) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.StyleClassNameUtility
- cssSelectorForInputSocketHandleOnStepHolding(OperationDescription) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.StyleClassNameUtility
- cssSelectorForOutputSocketHandleOn(Step) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.StyleClassNameUtility
- cssSelectorForOutputSocketHandleOnStepHolding(OperationDescription) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.StyleClassNameUtility
- CSUsbCameraFrameGrabber - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- CSUsbCameraFrameGrabber(int, int, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSUsbCameraFrameGrabber
- CsvExporter - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics
Class for exporting data to CSV.
- CsvExporter(int, String...) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.CsvExporter
Creates a new CSV exporter with the given number of data columns and column header.
- CUDA_UNAVAILABLE - edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SafeShutdown.ExitCode
CUDA is required by OpenCV but no compatible runtime is available on the system.
- CudaAccelerationMode - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda
- CudaAccelerationMode() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda.CudaAccelerationMode
- CudaDetector - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda
Detects CUDA installs.
- CudaOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations
A partial implementation of Operation that has the option to use CUDA acceleration.
- CudaOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CudaOperation
- CudaSocket - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
A type of input socket that lets an operation know that it should prefer to use a CUDA-accelerated code path.
- CudaVerifier - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda
- CudaVerifier(AccelerationMode, CudaDetector, Properties) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda.CudaVerifier
- currentFrameProperty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.VideoFileSource
Gets an observable value for the current frame number of the video file this source is providing.
- CVOperation - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv
- CVOperations - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations
A list of all of the raw opencv operations.
- CVOperations.CVAdaptThresholdTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations
- CVOperations.CVBorderTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations
- CVOperations.CVThresholdTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations
- DaemonThread - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.util
A daemon thread is a minor thread that does not prevent the JVM from exiting.
- DaemonThread() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.DaemonThread
- DaemonThread(Runnable) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.DaemonThread
- DaemonThread(Runnable, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.DaemonThread
- DaemonThread(String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.DaemonThread
- DaemonThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.DaemonThread
- DaemonThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.DaemonThread
- DaemonThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String, long) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.DaemonThread
- DaemonThread(ThreadGroup, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.DaemonThread
- DATA_AS_COL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.PCAFlagsEnum
indicates that the input samples are stored as matrix columns
- DATA_AS_ROW - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.PCAFlagsEnum
indicates that the input samples are stored as matrix rows
- DATA_PATH - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
The path for requesting data.
- dataArray - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ThresholdOperation
- DataHandler - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http
Jetty handler for sending HTTP publishing data to a client.
- dataSocket - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublishOperation
- dataType - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublishOperation
- DCT_INVERSE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DftFlagsEnum
performs an inverse 1D or 2D transform instead of the default forward transform.
- DCT_ROWS - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DftFlagsEnum
performs a forward or inverse transform of every individual row of the input matrix.
- DECOMP_CHOLESKY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DecompTypesEnum
Cholesky \f$LL^T\f$ factorization; the matrix src1 must be symmetrical and positively defined
- DECOMP_EIG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DecompTypesEnum
eigenvalue decomposition; the matrix src1 must be symmetrical
- DECOMP_LU - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DecompTypesEnum
Gaussian elimination with the optimal pivot element chosen.
- DECOMP_NORMAL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DecompTypesEnum
while all the previous flags are mutually exclusive, this flag can be used together with any of the previous; it means that the normal equations \f$\texttt{src1}^T\cdot\texttt{src1}\cdot\texttt{dst}=\texttt{src1}^T\texttt{src2}\f$ are solved instead of the original system \f$\texttt{src1}\cdot\texttt{dst}=\texttt{src2}\f$
- DECOMP_QR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DecompTypesEnum
QR factorization; the system can be over-defined and/or the matrix src1 can be singular
- DECOMP_SVD - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DecompTypesEnum
singular value decomposition (SVD) method; the system can be over-defined and/or the matrix src1 can be singular
- DecompTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- Decorator(InputSocket<T>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- DEFAULT_IP_CAMERA_PATH - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
The path that Axis cameras stream MJPEG videos from.
- DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
The default port the server should run on.
- DEFAULT_SETTINGS - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
The default code generation settings.
- defaultBuilder() - Static method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.CVOperation
Default builder for OpenCV Operations.
- defaults(String, String) - Static method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.CVOperation
- defaults(String, String, String...) - Static method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.CVOperation
- delete() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.SourceController
- deploy() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.MainWindowController
- DeployController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui
JavaFX controller for the deploy tool.
- DeployController() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.DeployController
- depth() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Gets the channel depth of this image.
- DEPTH_MASK - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.MatEnum
- DEPTH_MASK - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatEnum
- DesaturateOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
that converts a color image into shades of gray. - DesaturateOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.DesaturateOperation
- Description - Annotation Type in edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation
Annotates an
subclass to describe it. - descriptionFor(PythonScriptFile) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.PythonScriptOperation
- descriptionFor(Class<?>) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http.HttpPublishOperation
Gets a description for an
that publishes the given data type. - descriptionFor(Class<?>) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.networktables.NTPublishAnnotatedOperation
Creates an
for anNTPublishAnnotatedOperation
that publishes data of the given type. - descriptionFor(Class<?>) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.ROSPublishOperation
Creates a
for the given type. - DEVICE_COPY_OBSOLETE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatDataEnum
- DEVICE_MEM_MAPPED - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatDataEnum
- DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DftFlagsEnum
performs a forward transformation of 1D or 2D real array; the result, though being a complex array, has complex-conjugate symmetry (*CCS*, see the function description below for details), and such an array can be packed into a real array of the same size as input, which is the fastest option and which is what the function does by default; however, you may wish to get a full complex array (for simpler spectrum analysis, and so on) - pass the flag to enable the function to produce a full-size complex output array.
- DFT_INVERSE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DftFlagsEnum
performs an inverse 1D or 2D transform instead of the default forward transform.
- DFT_REAL_OUTPUT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DftFlagsEnum
performs an inverse transformation of a 1D or 2D complex array; the result is normally a complex array of the same size, however, if the input array has conjugate-complex symmetry (for example, it is a result of forward transformation with DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT flag), the output is a real array; while the function itself does not check whether the input is symmetrical or not, you can pass the flag and then the function will assume the symmetry and produce the real output array (note that when the input is packed into a real array and inverse transformation is executed, the function treats the input as a packed complex-conjugate symmetrical array, and the output will also be a real array).
- DFT_ROWS - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DftFlagsEnum
performs a forward or inverse transform of every individual row of the input matrix; this flag enables you to transform multiple vectors simultaneously and can be used to decrease the overhead (which is sometimes several times larger than the processing itself) to perform 3D and higher-dimensional transformations and so forth.
- DFT_SCALE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DftFlagsEnum
scales the result: divide it by the number of array elements.
- DftFlagsEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- dirtied() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- dirtied() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket
Checks if the socket has been dirtied and rests it to false.
- dirtied() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocketImpl
- DirtiesSaveEvent - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event that can potentially dirty the save file.
- DIST_C - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTypesEnum
- DIST_FAIR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTypesEnum
- DIST_HUBER - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTypesEnum
- DIST_L1 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTypesEnum
- DIST_L12 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTypesEnum
- DIST_L2 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTypesEnum
- DIST_LABEL_CCOMP - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTransformLabelTypesEnum
each connected component of zeros in src (as well as all the non-zero pixels closest to the connected component) will be assigned the same label
- DIST_LABEL_PIXEL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTransformLabelTypesEnum
each zero pixel (and all the non-zero pixels closest to it) gets its own label.
- DIST_MASK_3 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTransformMasksEnum
- DIST_MASK_5 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTransformMasksEnum
- DIST_MASK_PRECISE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTransformMasksEnum
- DIST_USER - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTypesEnum
- DIST_WELSCH - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTypesEnum
- DistanceTransformLabelTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- DistanceTransformMasksEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- DistanceTransformOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
foropencv_imgproc.distanceTransform(org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, int, int, int)
. - DistanceTransformOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.DistanceTransformOperation
- DistanceTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- doConvert(J, M, MessageFactory) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.JavaToMessageConverter
- doesDirtySave() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.events.DirtiesSaveEvent
Some events may have more logic regarding whether they make the save dirty or not.
- doesDirtySave() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SocketChangedEvent
This event will only dirty the save if the InputSocket does not have connections.
- domain(T[]) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.Builder
- doPublish() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.MapNetworkPublisher
Publishes nothing.
- doPublish() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublishOperation
Publishes the data.
- doPublish() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.PublishAnnotatedOperation
- doPublish() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.ROSPublishOperation
- doPublish(Map<String, T>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.MapNetworkPublisher
Publishes a key value mapping.
- doPublishSingle(T) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.MapNetworkPublisher
Publish a single value using the
as the key. - DPIUtility - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.util
Utilities for determining pixel sizes in a way that should work well across operating systems and screen resolutions.
- DPIUtility() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.DPIUtility
- DragService<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.dragging
A service to provide data transfer capabilities between two controllers.
- DragService(String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.dragging.DragService
- edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation - package edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation
- edu.wpi.grip.annotation.processor - package edu.wpi.grip.annotation.processor
- edu.wpi.grip.core - package edu.wpi.grip.core
- edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda - package edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda
- edu.wpi.grip.core.events - package edu.wpi.grip.core.events
- edu.wpi.grip.core.exception - package edu.wpi.grip.core.exception
- edu.wpi.grip.core.http - package edu.wpi.grip.core.http
- edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics - package edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics
- edu.wpi.grip.core.observables - package edu.wpi.grip.core.observables
- edu.wpi.grip.core.operations - package edu.wpi.grip.core.operations
- edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite - package edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
- edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network - package edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
- edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http - package edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http
- edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.networktables - package edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.networktables
- edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros - package edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros
- edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv - package edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv
- edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.enumeration - package edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.enumeration
- edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated - package edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated
Templates for various
. - edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization - package edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization
- edu.wpi.grip.core.settings - package edu.wpi.grip.core.settings
- edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets - package edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
- edu.wpi.grip.core.sources - package edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- edu.wpi.grip.core.util - package edu.wpi.grip.core.util
- edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service - package edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service
Extensions for the
- edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration - package edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration - package edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- edu.wpi.grip.preloader - package edu.wpi.grip.preloader
- edu.wpi.grip.ui - package edu.wpi.grip.ui
- edu.wpi.grip.ui.analysis - package edu.wpi.grip.ui.analysis
- edu.wpi.grip.ui.annotations - package edu.wpi.grip.ui.annotations
- edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration - package edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration
- edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data - package edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data
- edu.wpi.grip.ui.components - package edu.wpi.grip.ui.components
- edu.wpi.grip.ui.dragging - package edu.wpi.grip.ui.dragging
- edu.wpi.grip.ui.events - package edu.wpi.grip.ui.events
- edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline - package edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline
- edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input - package edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
- edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source - package edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source
- edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview - package edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview
- edu.wpi.grip.ui.util - package edu.wpi.grip.ui.util
- empty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Checks if this image is empty.
- EMPTY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
empty structure (sequence or mapping)
- emptyWrapper() - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Creates an empty wrapper.
- entrySet() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
- Enum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- EPS - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.TermCriteriaTypeEnum
the desired accuracy or change in parameters at which the iterative algorithm stops
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- erase(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.ContextStore
Erases the given context from this store, if it's present.
- ErrorCodeEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- EventLogger - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
Class for logging events as they're posted to the event bus.
- EventLogger() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.EventLogger
- eventPosted(LoggableEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.EventLogger
- ExceptionAlert - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui
Displays an alert with an exception and provides a place for a user to supply information about what caused the error.
- ExceptionAlert(Parent, Throwable, String, boolean, HostServices) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.ExceptionAlert
- ExceptionClearedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
Indicates that an flaggedException, originally indicated by a
, has been resolved. - ExceptionClearedEvent(Object) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ExceptionClearedEvent
- ExceptionEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
Indicates that an Exception has occurred.
- ExceptionEvent(Object, Exception) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ExceptionEvent
- ExceptionEvent(Object, Exception, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ExceptionEvent
- ExceptionEvent(Object, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ExceptionEvent
- ExceptionWitness - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.util
Witnesses and reports exception.
- ExceptionWitness.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.util
- ExceptionWitnessResponderButton - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.components
Listens and responds to events posted by the
. - ExceptionWitnessResponderButton.ExceptionPopOver - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.components
- ExceptionWitnessResponderButton.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.components
- exit(SafeShutdown.ExitCode) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SafeShutdown
Helper method that passes null as the PreSystemExitHook.
- exit(SafeShutdown.ExitCode, SafeShutdown.PreSystemExitHook) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SafeShutdown
Shutdown's the VM in such a way that flags that the vm is stopping.
- export() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.CsvExporter
Exports a CSV table.
- Exporter - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration
Primary class for creating files and setting up code generation.
- Exporter(ImmutableList<Step>, CodeGenerationSettings) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.Exporter
Constructor for an exporter for use when not testing.
- Exporter(ImmutableList<Step>, CodeGenerationSettings, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.Exporter
Constructor for an exporter with testing option.
- extension - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.Language
- Factory(ExceptionWitness.Factory, Timer.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.Step.Factory
- failed(Service.State, Throwable) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.LoggingListener
- failed(Service.State, Throwable) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.SingleActionListener
- failureCause() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
- failureCause() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- failureCause() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
- FEATURE_DETECTION - edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation.OperationCategory
- FILE_OPTION - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.CoreCommandLineHelper
- FileManager - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core
A FileManager saves images to disk.
- FileNodeTypeEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- filePath - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.Language
- FileStorageEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- FileStorageModeEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- FILLED - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.LineTypesEnum
- FILTER_TEXT - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.OperationListController
- FilterContoursOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
that takes in a list of contours and outputs a list of any contours in the input that match all of several criteria. - FilterContoursOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FilterContoursOperation
- FilterLinesOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
Given a ListReport, filter only the lines that meet certain criteria.
- FilterLinesOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FilterLinesOperation
- FindBlobsOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
Find groups of similar pixels in a color or grayscale image.
- FindBlobsOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FindBlobsOperation
- FindContoursOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
that, given a binary image, produces a list of contours of all of the shapes in the image. - FindContoursOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FindContoursOperation
- FindLinesOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
Find line segments in a color or grayscale image.
- FindLinesOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FindLinesOperation
- findSourceView(Source) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.PipelineController
- findStepController(Step) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.PipelineController
- finished() - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.BenchmarkEvent
- flagChanged() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
Notifies this socket that the value changed.
- flagChanged() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketImpl
- flagException(Exception) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.ExceptionWitness
Indicates to the witness that an exception has occurred.
- flagException(Exception, String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.ExceptionWitness
Indicates to the witness that an exception has occurred.
- flagStopping() - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SafeShutdown
Flags that the application is shutting down.
- flagWarning(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.ExceptionWitness
Allows a warning to be flagged without an exception.
- FlipCode - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.enumeration
FlipCode Codes from documentation in
opencv_core.flip(org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, int)
- FLOAT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
synonym or REAL
- FLOAT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ParamEnum
- FLOAT - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.JavaToMessageConverter
- FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.FloodFillFlagsEnum
If set, the difference between the current pixel and seed pixel is considered.
- FLOODFILL_MASK_ONLY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.FloodFillFlagsEnum
If set, the function does not change the image ( newVal is ignored), and only fills the mask with the value specified in bits 8-16 of flags as described above.
- FloodFillFlagsEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- FLOW - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
compact representation of a sequence or mapping.
- flushOnPipelineComplete(RunStoppedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.networktables.NTManager
Flush all changes to networktables when the pipeline completes.
- FMT_C - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FormatterEnum
- FMT_CSV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FormatterEnum
- FMT_DEFAULT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FormatterEnum
- FMT_MATLAB - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FormatterEnum
- FMT_NUMPY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FormatterEnum
- FMT_PYTHON - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FormatterEnum
- FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HersheyFontsEnum
normal size serif font
- FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HersheyFontsEnum
smaller version of FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX
- FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HersheyFontsEnum
normal size sans-serif font (more complex than FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX)
- FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HersheyFontsEnum
small size sans-serif font
- FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_COMPLEX - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HersheyFontsEnum
more complex variant of FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_SIMPLEX
- FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_SIMPLEX - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HersheyFontsEnum
hand-writing style font
- FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HersheyFontsEnum
normal size sans-serif font
- FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HersheyFontsEnum
normal size serif font (more complex than FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX)
- FONT_ITALIC - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HersheyFontsEnum
flag for italic font
- FONT_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.DPIUtility
- FORMAT_AUTO - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageModeEnum
flag, auto format
- FORMAT_MASK - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageModeEnum
mask for format flags
- FORMAT_XML - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageModeEnum
flag, XML format
- FORMAT_YAML - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageModeEnum
flag, YAML format
- FormatterEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- from(Description) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription
Creates an operation description from a
annotation on an operation subclass. - from(Class<? extends Operation>) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription
Creates an operation description from a
annotation on an operation subclass. - FULL_UV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SVDFlagsEnum
when the matrix is not square, by default the algorithm produces u and vt matrices of sufficiently large size for the further A reconstruction; if, however, FULL_UV flag is specified, u and vt will be full-size square orthogonal matrices.
- fuzzyContains(String, String) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.SearchUtility
Returns true if query if approximately a substring of text, not taking into account capitalization, whitespace, or minor typos.
- GC_BGD - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.GrabCutClassesEnum
an obvious background pixels
- GC_EVAL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.GrabCutModesEnum
The value means that the algorithm should just resume.
- GC_FGD - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.GrabCutClassesEnum
an obvious foreground (object) pixel
- GC_INIT_WITH_MASK - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.GrabCutModesEnum
The function initializes the state using the provided mask.
- GC_INIT_WITH_RECT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.GrabCutModesEnum
The function initializes the state and the mask using the provided rectangle.
- GC_PR_BGD - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.GrabCutClassesEnum
a possible background pixel
- GC_PR_FGD - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.GrabCutClassesEnum
a possible foreground pixel
- GEMM_1_T - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.GemmFlagsEnum
transposes src1
- GEMM_2_T - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.GemmFlagsEnum
transposes src2
- GEMM_3_T - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.GemmFlagsEnum
transposes src3
- GemmFlagsEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- generate() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.MainWindowController
Controls the export button in the main menu.
- GenericHandler - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.http
Generic Jetty handler.
- GenericHandler() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GenericHandler
Creates a generic handler for all contexts on the server.
- GenericHandler(ContextStore, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GenericHandler
Creates a generic handler that handles requests for the given context.
- GenericHandler(ContextStore, String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GenericHandler
Creates a generic handler that handles requests for the given context.
- get() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.Observable
Gets the current value of this observable.
- get() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.SimpleObservable
- get() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.SynchronizedObservable
- get(Language) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.TemplateMethods
gets a TemplateMethod of the desired language.
- get(Object) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
- get(Method, Object) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.PublishAnnotatedOperation
Helper method for invoking an accessor method on an object.
- get(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.Language
Returns a language based on the given name.
- getAngle() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport
- getAppSettings() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.AppSettingsChangedEvent
- getAppSettings() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- getAppSettings() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.SettingsProvider
Gets the current global app settings.
- getArea() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport
- getBlobs() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlobsReport
- getBody() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.WarningEvent
Gets the warning body.
- getCamera() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSHttpCameraFrameGrabber
- getCamera() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSUsbCameraFrameGrabber
- getCenterX() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport
- getCenterY() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport
- getClassName() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
- getCode() - Method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SafeShutdown.ExitCode
- getCodeGenerationSettings() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.CodeGenerationSettingsChangedEvent
- getCodeGenerationSettings() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- getCodeGenerationSettings() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.SettingsProvider
Gets the current code generation settings.
- getCols() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport
- getConnection() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ConnectionAddedEvent
- getConnection() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ConnectionRemovedEvent
- getConnection() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.ConnectionView
- getConnections() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- getConnections() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- getConnections() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
- getConnections() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketImpl
- getConnections() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.PipelineController
An unmodifiable list of the
s corresponding to all of the connections in the pipeline. - getContent() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.InputSocketController
- getContent() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.TitledPane
- getContentBias() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ResizableImageView
- getContext() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GenericHandler
Gets the context for this handler.
- getContours() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport
- getCpu() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Gets this mat as a mat in host memory.
- getDecorated() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.SocketHintDecorator
- getDelegate() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
Used for testing only.
- getDeployAddress() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- getDeployDir() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- getDeployJavaHome() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- getDeployJvmOptions() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- getDeployUser() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- getDescription() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationMetaData
Gets the summary of the operation.
- getDirection() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- getDirection() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
if this is the input to a step,OUTPUT
if this is the output of a step or source. - getDirection() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketImpl
- getDistance() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StepMovedEvent
- getDomain() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.BasicSocketHint
- getDomain() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint
A hint at the range of values that this socket can hold.
- getDomain() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.SocketHintDecorator
- getDragProperty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.dragging.DragService
- getElapsedTime() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.TimerEvent
Gets the elapsed time of the action, in microseconds.
- getElapsedTime() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Timer
Gets the time elapsed between a call to
and a call toTimer.stop()
, in microseconds. - getException() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ExceptionEvent
- getExceptionWitness() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Source
- getFile() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.Project
- getFrameCount() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.VideoFileSource
Gets the number of frames in the video file.
- getFramePosition() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.VideoFileSource
Gets the current frame number.
- getGpu() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Gets this mat as a mat in GPU memory.
- getHandle() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.InputSocketController
- getHandle() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.OutputSocketController
- getHeader() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.WarningEvent
Gets the warning header.
- getHeights() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport
- getIdentifier() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.BasicSocketHint
- getIdentifier() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint
The name for this socket.
- getIdentifier() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.IdentiferOverridingSocketHintDecorator
- getIdentifier() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.SocketHintDecorator
- getIdentifier() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.InputSocketController
- getImage() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.RectsReport
Gets the image the rectangles are for.
- getImage() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.HttpImageHandler
Gets the most recently POSTed image.
- getImage() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ResizableImageView
- getIndex() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StepAddedEvent
- getInput() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlobsReport
- getInput() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport
- getInput(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TStep
gets a specific Input for use in templates.
- getInputs() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TStep
returns all of the inputs of a step.
- getInputSocket() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Connection
- getInputSockets() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.Operation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlurOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.CannyEdgeOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.CascadeClassifierOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ConvexHullsOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.CropOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.DesaturateOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.DistanceTransformOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FilterContoursOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FilterLinesOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FindBlobsOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FindContoursOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FindLinesOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.HSLThresholdOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.HSVThresholdOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.MaskOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.NormalizeOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.PublishVideoOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ResizeOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.RGBThresholdOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.SaveImageOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.SwitchOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ThresholdMoving
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ValveOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.WatershedOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublishOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.MatFieldAccessor
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.MinMaxLoc
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.NewPointOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.NewSizeOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.PythonScriptOperation
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Step
- getInputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.StepController
An unmodifiable collection of
s corresponding to the input sockets of this step. - getInputStream() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.StringInMemoryFile
- getLanguage() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
- getLength() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport
- getLength() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.StringInMemoryFile
- getLines() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport
- getLineSegmentDetector() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport
- getMean() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Statistics
Gets the arithmetic mean of the samples.
- getMessage() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ExceptionEvent
- getModuleName() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
- getMovingThresholds() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TPipeline
Creates a list of all of the Moving_Threshold operations.
- getName() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Source
This is used by the GUI to distinguish different sources.
- getName() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- getName() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ClassifierSource
- getName() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.HttpSource
- getName() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ImageFileSource
- getName() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.MultiImageFileSource
- getName() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource
- getName() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.VideoFileSource
- getName() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.StringInMemoryFile
- getNodeArguments() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.ROSLoader
- getNonExportableStepNames() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.Exporter
Gets the names of the non-exportable steps in the pipeline, if any exist.
- getNumSamples() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Statistics
Gets the number of samples.
- getOperation() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.OperationAddedEvent
- getOperationByName(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Palette
- getOperationDescription() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Step
- getOperationDescription() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.OperationController
- getOperations() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Palette
- getOperationSupplier() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationMetaData
Gets a
for the operation. - getOptions() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.CodeGenerationOptionsController
Gets the code generation options specified in the UI.
- getOrigin() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ExceptionClearedEvent
- getOrigin() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ExceptionEvent
- getOutput(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TStep
gets a specific Output for use in templates.
- getOutputs() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TStep
returns all of the Outputs of a step.
- getOutputSocket() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Connection
- getOutputSockets() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.Operation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlurOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.CannyEdgeOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.CascadeClassifierOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ConvexHullsOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.CropOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.DesaturateOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.DistanceTransformOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FilterContoursOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FilterLinesOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FindBlobsOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FindContoursOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FindLinesOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.HSLThresholdOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.HSVThresholdOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.MaskOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.NormalizeOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.PublishVideoOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ResizeOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.RGBThresholdOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.SaveImageOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.SwitchOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ThresholdMoving
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ValveOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.WatershedOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublishOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.MatFieldAccessor
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.MinMaxLoc
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.NewPointOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.NewSizeOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.PythonScriptOperation
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Source
Get the sockets for this source.
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Step
- getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.SourceController
An unmodifiable list of
s corresponding to the sockets that this source produces. - getOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.StepController
An unmodifiable collection of
s corresponding to the output sockets of this step. - getPackageName() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
- getPermissions() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.StringInMemoryFile
- getPort() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
Gets the port this server is running on.
- getProcessedContours() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport
- getProjectSettings() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ProjectSettingsChangedEvent
- getProjectSettings() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- getProjectSettings() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.SettingsProvider
This object may become out of date if the settings are edited by the user, so objects requiring a preference value should also subscribe to
to get updates. - getProperties() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Source
This is used for serialization/deserialization.
- getProperties() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- getProperties() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ClassifierSource
- getProperties() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.HttpSource
- getProperties() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ImageFileSource
- getProperties() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.MultiImageFileSource
- getProperties() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource
- getProperties() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.VideoFileSource
- getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.SimpleSettingsBeanInfo
- getPublishAddress() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- getRatio() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ResizableImageView
- getRectangles() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.RectsReport
Gets the rectangles in this report.
- getRoot() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.Controller
- getRoot() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.OperationController
- getRoot() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.InputSocketController
- getRoot() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.OutputSocketController
- getRoot() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.SourceController
- getRoot() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.StepController
- getRows() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport
- getRunsRemaining() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.BenchmarkRunner
Checks how many runs are left in the benchmark.
- getSaveDir() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
- getServerPort() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.AppSettings
- getSize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlobsReport
- getSocket() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SocketConnectedChangedEvent
- getSocket() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SocketPreviewChangedEvent
- getSocket() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.InputSocketController
- getSocket() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.OutputSocketController
- getSocket() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.SocketPreviewView
- getSocketHint() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- getSocketHint() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
- getSocketHint() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketImpl
- getSocketType() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.PublishAnnotatedOperation
- getSolidity() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport
- getSource() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SourceAddedEvent
- getSource() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SourceHasPendingUpdateEvent
- getSource() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SourceRemovedEvent
- getSource() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- getSource() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
If this socket is in a source return it.
- getSource() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketImpl
- getSource() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.SourceController
- getSources() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
Returns a snapshot of all of the sources in the pipeline.
- getSources() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TPipeline
Returns a list of all of the sources in a the pipeline.
- getSources() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.PipelineController
An unmodifiable list of
corresponding to all of the sources in the pipeline. - getStandardDeviation() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Statistics
Gets the standard deviation in the samples.
- getState() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
Gets the current state of the server.
- getStep() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StepAddedEvent
- getStep() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StepMovedEvent
- getStep() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StepRemovedEvent
- getStep() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- getStep() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
If this socket is in a step return it.
- getStep() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketImpl
- getStep() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.StepController
- getSteps() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
Returns a snapshot of all of the steps in the pipeline.
- getSteps() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TPipeline
used in Pipeline.vm to get all of the TSteps
- getStream() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.Icon
Get a newly constructed stream.
- getSum() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Statistics
Gets the sum of all the samples.
- getTarget() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.TimerEvent
Gets the target object that had an action being timed.
- getTeamNumber() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- getterName(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.CppTMethods
- getterName(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.JavaTMethods
- getterName(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.PythonTMethods
- getterName(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.TemplateMethods
Converts a name into the format for the correct language.
- getText() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.TitledPane
- getTimer() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.TimerEvent
Gets the
that posted this event. - getType() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.JavaToMessageConverter
- getType() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.LinkedSocketHint
- getType() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.BasicSocketHint
- getType() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint
- getType() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.SocketHintDecorator
- getTypeLabel() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.LinkedSocketHint
- getTypeLabel() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.BasicSocketHint
- getTypeLabel() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint
A user-presentable string to represent the type of this socket.
- getTypeLabel() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.SocketHintDecorator
- getUniqueSteps() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TPipeline
Creates a list of the unique operations in a pipeline.
- getValue() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.BooleanPublishable
- getValue() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkReceiver
Get the value of the object.
- getValue() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NumberPublishable
- getValue() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.CudaSocket
- getValue() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- getValue() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
- getValue() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketImpl
- getValue() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.dragging.DragService
- getView() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.BasicSocketHint
- getView() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint
The type of view that this hint reccomends being displayed with.
- getView() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.SocketHintDecorator
- getWidth() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport
- getWithIO() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.SupplierWithIO
- getWithNode(N) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
Gets the Controller that maps to a specific Node.
- getX() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlobsReport
- getX() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.Vector2D
- getX1() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport
- getX2() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport
- getY() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlobsReport
- getY() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.Vector2D
- getY1() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport
- getY2() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport
- GpuApiCallError - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- gpuHint - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CudaOperation
- gpuIn - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CudaOperation
The mat used for an input to the CUDA operation.
- GpuNotSupported - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- gpuOut - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CudaOperation
The output mat of a CUDA operation.
- gpuSocket - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CudaOperation
Input socket telling the operation to prefer to use CUDA acceleration when possible.
- grab() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSHttpCameraFrameGrabber
- grab() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSUsbCameraFrameGrabber
- grab() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.IPCameraFrameGrabber
- GrabberService - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
A service that manages the lifecycle of a
. - GrabberService.GrabberServiceException - Exception in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- grabBufferedImage() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.IPCameraFrameGrabber
- GrabCutClassesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- GrabCutModesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- grabFrame(opencv_core.Mat) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.JavaCvSink
Wait for the next frame and get the image.
- grabFrame(opencv_core.Mat, double) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.JavaCvSink
Wait for the next frame and get the image.
- GRIP_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.GripFileManager
- GripCoreModule - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
A Guice
for GRIP's core package. - GripCoreModule() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.GripCoreModule
- GripCudaModule - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
- GripCudaModule() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.GripCudaModule
- GripException - Exception in edu.wpi.grip.core.exception
An exception thrown when something goes wrong with an internal GRIP operation.
- GripException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.wpi.grip.core.exception.GripException
- GripException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.wpi.grip.core.exception.GripException
- GripFileManager - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
Implementation of
. - GripFileManager() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.GripFileManager
- GripFileModule - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
- GripFileModule() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.GripFileModule
- GripMode - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.core.util
An enum that indicates if GRIP is running in GUI mode with JavaFX or as a headless command line application.
- GripNetworkModule - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
Defines any concrete implementation mappings between network managers and their real counterparts.
- GripNetworkModule() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.GripNetworkModule
- GripPlatform - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.util
- GripPreloader - Class in edu.wpi.grip.preloader
- GripPreloader() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.preloader.GripPreloader
- GripServer - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.http
An internal HTTP server.
- GripServer.JettyServerFactory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.http
- GripServer.JettyServerFactoryImpl - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.http
- GripServer.State - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.core.http
Possible lifecycle states of the server.
- GripServerException - Exception in edu.wpi.grip.core.exception
An exception thrown when something goes wrong in the
. - GripServerException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.wpi.grip.core.exception.GripServerException
- GripServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.wpi.grip.core.exception.GripServerException
- GripSourcesHardwareModule - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
Adds bindings for hardware that is required by
- GripSourcesHardwareModule() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.GripSourcesHardwareModule
- GripUiModule - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui
A Guice
for GRIP's UI package. - GripUiModule() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.GripUiModule
- GUI - edu.wpi.grip.core.util.GripMode
- HammingEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- handle(String, Request, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.PedanticHandler
- handle(Throwable, String, boolean) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.events.UnexpectedThrowableEvent.UnexpectedThrowableEventHandler
- handleApplicationNotification(Preloader.PreloaderNotification) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.preloader.GripPreloader
- handleIfPassed(String, Request, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.HttpPipelineSwitcher
- handleIfPassed(String, Request, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.PedanticHandler
Handles an HTTP request if the target is the same as the one for this handler.
- handleIfPassed(String, Request, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http.DataHandler
- handleIfPassed(String, Request, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.HttpImageHandler
- handleSafely(UnexpectedThrowableEvent.UnexpectedThrowableEventHandler) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.UnexpectedThrowableEvent
Handles the exception, this method can only be called once if the event is fatal.
- HASH_BIT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SparseMatEnum
- HASH_SCALE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SparseMatEnum
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- hasValue() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TInput
Checks to see if the input has a value
- HeaderIsNull - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
image header is NULL
- HEADLESS - edu.wpi.grip.core.util.GripMode
- HEADLESS_OPTION - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.UICommandLineHelper
- height() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport.Contour
- height() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.RectsReport
An array of the heights of every rectangle.
- HELP_OPTION - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.CoreCommandLineHelper
- HersheyFontsEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- HexagonGrid - Class in edu.wpi.grip.preloader
- HexagonGrid(int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.preloader.HexagonGrid
Creates a new hexagon grid with the given number of rows and columns.
- hexagons() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.preloader.HexagonGrid
Gets the hexagons in the grid.
- highValue() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Gets the maximum possible value able to be held as a single element in this image.
- HISTCMP_BHATTACHARYYA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HistCompMethodsEnum
Bhattacharyya distance (In fact, OpenCV computes Hellinger distance, which is related to Bhattacharyya coefficient.) \f[d(H_1,H_2) = \sqrt{1 - \frac{1}{\sqrt{\bar{H_1} \bar{H_2} N^2}} \sum_I \sqrt{H_1(I) \cdot H_2(I)}}\f]
- HISTCMP_CHISQR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HistCompMethodsEnum
Chi-Square \f[d(H_1,H_2) = \sum _I \frac{\left(H_1(I)-H_2(I)\right)^2}{H_1(I)}\f]
- HISTCMP_CHISQR_ALT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HistCompMethodsEnum
Alternative Chi-Square \f[d(H_1,H_2) = 2 * \sum _I \frac{\left(H_1(I)-H_2(I)\right)^2}{H_1(I)+H_2(I)}\f] This alternative formula is regularly used for texture comparison.
- HISTCMP_CORREL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HistCompMethodsEnum
Correlation \f[d(H_1,H_2) = \frac{\sum_I (H_1(I) - \bar{H_1}) (H_2(I) - \bar{H_2})}{\sqrt{\sum_I(H_1(I) - \bar{H_1})^2 \sum_I(H_2(I) - \bar{H_2})^2}}\f] where \f[\bar{H_k} = \frac{1}{N} \sum _J H_k(J)\f] and \f$N\f$ is a total number of histogram bins.
- HISTCMP_HELLINGER - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HistCompMethodsEnum
- HISTCMP_INTERSECT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HistCompMethodsEnum
Intersection \f[d(H_1,H_2) = \sum _I \min (H_1(I), H_2(I))\f]
- HISTCMP_KL_DIV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HistCompMethodsEnum
Kullback-Leibler divergence \f[d(H_1,H_2) = \sum _I H_1(I) \log \left(\frac{H_1(I)}{H_2(I)}\right)\f]
- HistCompMethodsEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- HOST_COPY_OBSOLETE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatDataEnum
- hotness(double) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Statistics
Calculates the 'hotness' of the given value based on these statistics.
- HOUGH_GRADIENT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HoughModesEnum
basically *21HT*, described in @cite Yuen90
- HOUGH_MULTI_SCALE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HoughModesEnum
multi-scale variant of the classical Hough transform.
- HOUGH_PROBABILISTIC - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HoughModesEnum
probabilistic Hough transform (more efficient in case if the picture contains a few long linear segments).
- HOUGH_STANDARD - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HoughModesEnum
classical or standard Hough transform.
- HoughModesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- HSLThresholdOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
that converts a color image into a binary image based on the HSL threshold ranges. - HSLThresholdOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.HSLThresholdOperation
- HSVThresholdOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
that converts a color image into a binary image based on the HSV threshold ranges for each channel. - HSVThresholdOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.HSVThresholdOperation
- HTTP_SERVER_COULD_NOT_START - edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SafeShutdown.ExitCode
The HTTP server cannot start (typically due to the port already being in use).
- HttpImageHandler - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
Jetty handler for incoming images to be used by
. - HttpImageHandler(ContextStore) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.HttpImageHandler
Creates an image handler on the default upload path
. - HttpImageHandler(ContextStore, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.HttpImageHandler
Creates an image handler on the given path.
- HttpPipelineSwitcher - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.http
Jetty handler responsible for loading pipelines sent over HTTP.
- HttpPublishManager - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http
Manager for publishing data to the internal HTTP server.
- HttpPublishManager(GripServer, DataHandler) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http.HttpPublishManager
- HttpPublishOperation<D,P extends Publishable> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http
An operation for publishing data to the internal HTTP server, from which which remote applications can request the data.
- HttpPublishOperation(InputSocket.Factory, Class<D>, Class<P>, Function<D, P>, MapNetworkPublisherFactory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http.HttpPublishOperation
- HttpPublishOperation(InputSocket.Factory, Class<P>, MapNetworkPublisherFactory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http.HttpPublishOperation
- HttpSource - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
Provides a way to generate a
from an image that has been POSTed to the internal HTTP server. - HttpSource.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- HttpSourceController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source
Provides controls for a
. - HttpSourceController.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source
- icon() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription
of a 128x128 image to show the user as a representation of the operation. - icon(Icon) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription.Builder
Sets the icon.
- Icon - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.util
Utility class for fetching icon streams.
- iconName() - Method in annotation type edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation.Description
The name of the icon to use to display the operation.
- iconStream(String) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.Icon
Gets an image stream for an icon.
- iconStream(String, String) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.Icon
Gets an image stream for an icon.
- iconStream(String, String, String) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.Icon
Gets an image stream for an icon.
- IdentiferOverridingSocketHintDecorator(SocketHint<T>, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.IdentiferOverridingSocketHintDecorator
- identifier(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.Builder
- idNameFor(OperationDescription) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.StyleClassNameUtility
The CSS id name for an operation.
- IMAGE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.GripFileManager
- IMAGE_PROCESSING - edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation.OperationCategory
- IMAGE_UPLOAD_PATH - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
The path for uploading images.
- ImageBasedPreviewView<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview
Base class for image previews.
- ImageBasedPreviewView(OutputSocket<T>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ImageBasedPreviewView
- imageConverter - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ImageBasedPreviewView
Image converter for converting OpenCV mats to JavaFX images.
- ImageConverter - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.util
Utility class for creating a JavaFX image from an OpenCV image.
- ImageConverter() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ImageConverter
- ImageFileSource - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
Provides a way to generate a
from an image on the filesystem. - ImageFileSource.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- ImageLoadingUtility - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.util
A utility wrapper for loading images from the file system.
- imageProperty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ResizableImageView
- ImageSocketPreviewView - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview
that previews sockets containing OpenCV Mats. - imageView - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ImageBasedPreviewView
The view showing the image.
- IMMEDIATE - Static variable in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.ServiceRestartPolicy
A restart policy that has a service restart immediately.
- IMPLEMENT_WPILIB_PIPELINE - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
- implementVisionPipeline(boolean) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings.Builder
Sets if the generated pipeline should implement the WPILib API.
- indexOf(Step) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- indexOf(Step) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.StepIndexer
Gets the index of the given step.
- init() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.Main
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Source
Initializes the source.
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ClassifierSource
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.HttpSource
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ImageFileSource
Performs the loading of the image from the file system.
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.MultiImageFileSource
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.VideoFileSource
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.analysis.AnalysisController
Initializes the controller.
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.DeployController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.MainWindowController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.OperationController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.OperationListController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.PaletteController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.CheckboxInputSocketController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.InputSocketController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.ListSpinnerInputSocketController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.NumberSpinnerInputSocketController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.RangeInputSocketController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.SelectInputSocketController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.SliderInputSocketController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.TextFieldInputSocketController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.OutputSocketController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.PipelineController
Add initial views for the stuff in the pipeline at the time this controller is created.
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.CameraSourceController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.MultiImageFileSourceController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.SourceController
- initialize() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source.VideoFileSourceController
- initialize(StepConverter, SourceConverter, SocketConverter, ConnectionConverter, ProjectSettingsConverter, CodeGenerationSettingsConverter) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.Project
- initializeSafely() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Source
Initializes the source in a safe way such that the exception caused by initializing will be reported to the
. - initialValue(T) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.Builder
- initialValueSupplier(Supplier<T>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.Builder
- injector - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.Main
JavaFX insists on creating the main application with its own reflection code, so we can't create with the Guice and do automatic field injection.
- INPUT - edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket.Direction
- inputHandleProperty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.ConnectionView
- inputHint - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CudaOperation
- inputSocket - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CudaOperation
Default image input socket.
- InputSocket<T> - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
Represents the input into an
. - InputSocket.Decorator<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
A decorator for the
. - InputSocket.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
- InputSocketController<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
A JavaFX input that renders an
that is an input to a step. - InputSocketController.BaseInputSocketControllerFactory<T> - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
- InputSocketControllerFactory - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
Factory for constructing editable controls for input sockets.
- InputSocketControllerFactory() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.InputSocketControllerFactory
- inputSocketHints() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.PythonScriptFile
- InputSocketImpl<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
Concrete implementation of the
. - InputSocketImpl.FactoryImpl - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
Needed to get around Guice's inability to inject a generic typed factory.
- INSIDE_MAP - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageEnum
- instancesOfOperation(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TPipeline
Gets the number of instances of an operation in the pipeline.
- INT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
an integer
- INT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ParamEnum
- INTER_AREA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationFlagsEnum
resampling using pixel area relation.
- INTER_BITS - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationMasksEnum
- INTER_BITS2 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationMasksEnum
- INTER_CUBIC - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationFlagsEnum
bicubic interpolation
- INTER_LANCZOS4 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationFlagsEnum
Lanczos interpolation over 8x8 neighborhood
- INTER_LINEAR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationFlagsEnum
bilinear interpolation
- INTER_MAX - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationFlagsEnum
mask for interpolation codes
- INTER_NEAREST - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationFlagsEnum
nearest neighbor interpolation
- INTER_TAB_SIZE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationMasksEnum
- INTER_TAB_SIZE2 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationMasksEnum
- InterpolationFlagsEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- InterpolationMasksEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- INTERSECT_FULL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.RectanglesIntersectTypesEnum
One of the rectangle is fully enclosed in the other
- INTERSECT_NONE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.RectanglesIntersectTypesEnum
No intersection
- INTERSECT_PARTIAL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.RectanglesIntersectTypesEnum
There is a partial intersection
- IPCameraFrameGrabber - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- IPCameraFrameGrabber(String, int, int, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.IPCameraFrameGrabber
- isCompatibleCudaInstalled() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda.CudaDetector
Checks if a CUDA runtime is installed that is compatible with what we need for OpenCV.
- isCompatibleCudaInstalled() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda.LoadingCudaDetector
- isCompatibleCudaInstalled() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda.NullCudaDetector
- isCompatibleWith(SocketHint) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.LinkedSocketHint
- isCompatibleWith(SocketHint) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.BasicSocketHint
- isCompatibleWith(SocketHint) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint
Determines if this is able to contain the type of value that the other socket hint contains.
- isCompatibleWith(SocketHint) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.SocketHintDecorator
- isCpu() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Checks if this is a wrapper around a CPU mat.
- isCudaAvailable() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.CudaSocket
- isEmpty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
- isException() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.ExceptionWitness
- isExpanded() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.events.SetStepsExpandedEvent
- isFatal() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.UnexpectedThrowableEvent
- isGet(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GenericHandler
Checks if the given request is a GET.
- isGpu() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Checks if this is a wrapper around a GPU mat.
- isPaused() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.Pausable
Checks if execution is currently paused.
- isPausedScroll() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.LogTextArea
- isPortValid(int) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
Checks if the given TCP port is valid for a server to run on.
- isPost(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GenericHandler
Checks if the given request is a POST.
- isPreviewable(MatWrapper) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ImageBasedPreviewView
Checks if an image is able to be previewed.
- isPreviewed() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.OutputSocket
- isPreviewed() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.OutputSocketImpl
- isRegarding(OutputSocket) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SocketPreviewChangedEvent
Queries the event to determine if this event is about this socket.
- isRegarding(Socket) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SocketChangedEvent
Queries the event to determine if this event is about this socket.
- isRunning() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.BenchmarkRunner
Checks if this benchmark runner is currently running a benchmark.
- isRunning() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
- isRunning() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- isRunning() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
- isSaveDirty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.Project
- isStart() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.BenchmarkEvent
- isStopping() - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SafeShutdown
HACK! Shutdown hooks can throw exceptions.
- isUsingCuda() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda.AccelerationMode
Flag marking that GRIP is using CUDA-accelerated OpenCV.
- isUsingCuda() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda.CudaAccelerationMode
- isUsingCuda() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda.NullAccelerationMode
- JAVA - edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.Language
- JavaCvSink - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- JavaCvSink(String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.JavaCvSink
Create a sink for accepting OpenCV images.
- JavaTMethods - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration
- JavaTMethods() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.JavaTMethods
- JavaToMessageConverter<J,M extends org.ros.internal.message.Message> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros
Used to convert from a java type to a ROS message.
- javaType - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.JavaToMessageConverter
- JettyServerFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer.JettyServerFactoryImpl
- key() - Method in annotation type edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.PublishValue
- keySet() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
- KMEANS_PP_CENTERS - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.KmeansFlagsEnum
Use kmeans++ center initialization by Arthur and Vassilvitskii [Arthur2007].
- KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.KmeansFlagsEnum
Select random initial centers in each attempt.
- KMEANS_USE_INITIAL_LABELS - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.KmeansFlagsEnum
During the first (and possibly the only) attempt, use the user-supplied labels instead of computing them from the initial centers.
- KmeansFlagsEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- language(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings.Builder
Sets the language.
- Language - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration
An enum representing code generation languages.
- LANGUAGE - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
- LARGE_ICON_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.DPIUtility
- Launch - Class in edu.wpi.grip.preloader
- Launch - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui
- length() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport.Line
- lengthSquared() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport.Line
- LINE_4 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.LineTypesEnum
4-connected line
- LINE_8 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.LineTypesEnum
8-connected line
- LINE_AA - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.LineTypesEnum
antialiased line
- LINES - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.JavaToMessageConverter
- LineSegmentDetectorModesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- LinesReport - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
This class contains the results of a line detection algorithm.
- LinesReport() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport
Construct an empty report.
- LinesReport(opencv_imgproc.LineSegmentDetector, MatWrapper, List<LinesReport.Line>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport
- LinesReport.Line - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
- LinesSocketPreviewView - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview
that previews sockets containing containing the result of a line detection algorithm. - LinesSocketPreviewView(GripPlatform, OutputSocket<LinesReport>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.LinesSocketPreviewView
- LineTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- linkedInputSocket(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.LinkedSocketHint
Creates an
that is linked to this SocketHint. - linkedOutputSocket(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.LinkedSocketHint
Creates an input socket that is linked to this Socket This output socket will automatically be disconnected when there is no longer an input socket to guarantee the type of this SocketHint.
- LinkedSocketHint - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
that's type is linked between many other sockets and who's type is defined by whateverInputSocket
was connected to it first. - LinkedSocketHint(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.LinkedSocketHint
- ListSpinnerInputSocketController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
that lets the user set the value with aSpinner
. - ListSpinnerInputSocketController.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
- loadFile(CommandLine, Project) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.CoreCommandLineHelper
Tries to load a file from the command line arguments.
- loadImage(String, int, opencv_core.Mat) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.ImageLoadingUtility
Loads the image into the destination Mat
- loadImage(String, opencv_core.Mat) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.ImageLoadingUtility
- LoadingCudaDetector - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda
Checks if CUDA is available by attempting to load one of the OpenCV CUDA class' JNI.
- LoadingCudaDetector() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda.LoadingCudaDetector
- LoggableEvent - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
Interface for loggable events.
- logger - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.LoggingListener
- Loggers - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
- LoggingListener - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service
A service listener that will log the service as it transitions between various different states.
- LoggingListener(Logger, Class<?>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.LoggingListener
- LOGICAL - edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation.OperationCategory
- logLevel() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.events.LoggableEvent
Gets log level of this event.
- logLevel() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.WarningEvent
- LogTextArea - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.components
A text area that is used to display a log.
- LogTextArea() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.LogTextArea
- LSD_REFINE_ADV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.LineSegmentDetectorModesEnum
Advanced refinement.
- LSD_REFINE_NONE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.LineSegmentDetectorModesEnum
No refinement applied
- LSD_REFINE_STD - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.LineSegmentDetectorModesEnum
Standard refinement is applied.
- MAGIC_MASK - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.MatEnum
- MAGIC_MASK - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatEnum
- MAGIC_VAL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.MatEnum
- MAGIC_VAL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SparseMatEnum
- MAGIC_VAL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatEnum
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Main
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.preloader.Launch
Main entry point for launching GRIP.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.Launch
Main entry point for launching GRIP.
- Main - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
Main driver class for headless mode.
- Main - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui
- Main() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.Main
- Main() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.Main
- MainWindowController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui
The Controller for the application window.
- MainWindowController() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.MainWindowController
- makeEditableSafely(Spinner<T>, NumberFormat, T) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.Spinners
Makes the spinner editable.
- Manager - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
A network manager that handles all of the API overhead for dealing with a specific network protocol.
- MAP - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
- MapNetworkPublisher<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
Publishes a map of keys to values.
- MapNetworkPublisher(Set<String>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.MapNetworkPublisher
- MapNetworkPublisherFactory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
A factory to create
. - MapNetworkReceiverFactory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
A factory to create
. - marshal(Object, HierarchicalStreamWriter, MarshallingContext) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.ConnectionConverter
- marshal(Object, HierarchicalStreamWriter, MarshallingContext) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.SocketConverter
- marshal(Object, HierarchicalStreamWriter, MarshallingContext) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.SourceConverter
- marshal(Object, HierarchicalStreamWriter, MarshallingContext) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.StepConverter
- MaskIsTiled - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- MaskOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
that masks out an area of interest from an image. - MaskOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.MaskOperation
- MAT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ParamEnum
- MAT_VECTOR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ParamEnum
- MatEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- MatFieldAccessor - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv
- MatFieldAccessor(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.MatFieldAccessor
- MatWrapper - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
Wraps a GPU mat and a CPU mat and allows device memory and host memory to be used semi-transparently.
- MAX_DIM - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SparseMatEnum
- MAX_ITER - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.TermCriteriaTypeEnum
- MEMORY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageModeEnum
flag, read data from source or write data to the internal buffer (which is returned by FileStorage::release)
- MetaInfReader - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.util
Reads class registries from the META-INF directory.
- MINI_ICON_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.DPIUtility
- MinMaxLoc - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv
Operation to call
opencv_core.minMaxLoc(org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, org.bytedeco.javacpp.DoublePointer, org.bytedeco.javacpp.DoublePointer, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Point, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Point, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat)
. - MinMaxLoc(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.MinMaxLoc
- MISC_ERROR - edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SafeShutdown.ExitCode
An unknown exception was thrown and uncaught.
- MISCELLANEOUS - edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation.OperationCategory
- MODIFY_A - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SVDFlagsEnum
allow the algorithm to modify the decomposed matrix; it can save space and speed up processing.
- MODULE_NAME - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
- moduleName(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings.Builder
Sets the module name (also file name) of the generated Python class.
- MORPH_BLACKHAT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphTypesEnum
"black hat" \f[\texttt{dst} = \mathrm{blackhat} ( \texttt{src} , \texttt{element} )= \mathrm{close} ( \texttt{src} , \texttt{element} )- \texttt{src}\f]
- MORPH_CLOSE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphTypesEnum
a closing operation \f[\texttt{dst} = \mathrm{close} ( \texttt{src} , \texttt{element} )= \mathrm{erode} ( \mathrm{dilate} ( \texttt{src} , \texttt{element} ))\f]
- MORPH_CROSS - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphShapesEnum
a cross-shaped structuring element: \f[E_{ij} = \fork{1}{if i=\texttt{anchor.y} or j=\texttt{anchor.x}}{0}{otherwise}\f]
- MORPH_DILATE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphTypesEnum
see cv::dilate
- MORPH_ELLIPSE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphShapesEnum
an elliptic structuring element, that is, a filled ellipse inscribed into the rectangle Rect(0, 0, esize.width, 0.esize.height)
- MORPH_ERODE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphTypesEnum
see cv::erode
- MORPH_GRADIENT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphTypesEnum
a morphological gradient \f[\texttt{dst} = \mathrm{morph\_grad} ( \texttt{src} , \texttt{element} )= \mathrm{dilate} ( \texttt{src} , \texttt{element} )- \mathrm{erode} ( \texttt{src} , \texttt{element} )\f]
- MORPH_OPEN - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphTypesEnum
an opening operation \f[\texttt{dst} = \mathrm{open} ( \texttt{src} , \texttt{element} )= \mathrm{dilate} ( \mathrm{erode} ( \texttt{src} , \texttt{element} ))\f]
- MORPH_RECT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphShapesEnum
a rectangular structuring element: \f[E_{ij}=1\f]
- MORPH_TOPHAT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphTypesEnum
"top hat" \f[\texttt{dst} = \mathrm{tophat} ( \texttt{src} , \texttt{element} )= \texttt{src} - \mathrm{open} ( \texttt{src} , \texttt{element} )\f]
- MorphShapesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- MorphTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- moveByDistance(C, int) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
Moves the Node that is owned by this controller the specified distance.
- moveStep(Step, int) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
Moves the step by the given number of spaces.
- moveStepBetween(Step, Step, Step) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- MultiImageFileSource - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
A Source that supports multiple images.
- MultiImageFileSource.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- MultiImageFileSourceController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source
Provides controls for a
. - MultiImageFileSourceController.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source
- mutable() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TSocket
Checks to see if the socket is mutable.
- name - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.Language
- name() - Method in annotation type edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation.Description
The name of the operation being described.
- name() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription
- name() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.PythonScriptFile
- name() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TSocket
the String that represents the socket.
- name() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TStep
gets the name of the step
- name(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription.Builder
Sets the name.
- name(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.CppTMethods
- name(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.JavaTMethods
- name(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.PythonTMethods
- name(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.TemplateMethods
Converts a name into the format for the correct language.
- NAME_EXPECTED - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageEnum
- NAMED - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
the node has a name (i.e.
- nameSocket - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublishOperation
- NETWORK - edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation.OperationCategory
- NetworkPublisher<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
Manages the interface between the
and the actual network protocol implemented by a specificManager
. - NetworkPublisher() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublisher
- NetworkPublishOperation<D> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
Abstract superclass for operations that publish data.
- NetworkPublishOperation(InputSocket.Factory, Class<D>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublishOperation
- NetworkReceiver - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
Manages the interface between the
and the actual network protocol implemented by a specificManager
. - NetworkReceiver(String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkReceiver
Create a new NetworkReceiver with the specified path.
- NetworkTableEntrySource - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
Provides a way to get a
from a NetworkTable that GRIP is connected to. - NetworkTableEntrySource.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- NetworkTableEntrySource.Types - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- NewPointOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv
- NewPointOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.NewPointOperation
- newProject() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.MainWindowController
Delete everything in the current project.
- NewSizeOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv
- NewSizeOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.NewSizeOperation
- next() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.PreviousNext
Perform the next action on this object.
- next() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.MultiImageFileSource
Assigns the output socket to the next image.
- NEXT_AROUND_DST - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
- NEXT_AROUND_LEFT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
- NEXT_AROUND_ORG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
- NEXT_AROUND_RIGHT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
- NEXT_BUTTON_STYLE_CLASS - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.PreviousNextButtons
- NIL - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Statistics
"null" statistics with every value set to zero.
- NIL - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.RectsReport
- NO_UV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SVDFlagsEnum
indicates that only a vector of singular values `w` is to be processed, while u and vt will be set to empty matrices
- NONE - edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.View
- NONE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
empty node
- NORM_HAMMING - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.NormTypesEnum
- NORM_HAMMING2 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.NormTypesEnum
- NORM_INF - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.NormTypesEnum
- NORM_L1 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.NormTypesEnum
- NORM_L2 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.NormTypesEnum
- NORM_L2SQR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.NormTypesEnum
- NORM_MINMAX - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.NormTypesEnum
- NORM_RELATIVE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.NormTypesEnum
- NORM_TYPE_MASK - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.NormTypesEnum
- NORMAL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.RNGEnum
- NormalizeOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
foropencv_core.normalize(org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, double, double, int, int, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat)
. - NormalizeOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.NormalizeOperation
- normType - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HammingEnum
- NormTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- NoSocketTypeLabel - Annotation Type in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
By default, the GUI shows labels for the type of each socket based on
. - notifyRestart() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.CooldownRestartPolicy
- notifyRestart() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.ServiceRestartPolicy
Policy might want to keep track of when the latest restarts have happened.
- ntLogLevels - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.networktables.NTManager
Information from: https://github.com/PeterJohnson/ntcore/blob/master/src/Log.h and https://github.com/PeterJohnson/ntcore/blob/e6054f543a6ab10aa27af6cace855da66d67ee44 /include/ntcore_c.h#L39
- NTManager - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.networktables
This class encapsulates the way we map various settings to the global NetworkTables state.
- NTManager(NetworkTableInstance) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.networktables.NTManager
- NTPublishAnnotatedOperation<D,P extends Publishable> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.networktables
An operation that publishes any type that implements
to NetworkTables. - NTPublishAnnotatedOperation(InputSocket.Factory, Class<D>, Class<P>, Function<D, P>, MapNetworkPublisherFactory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.networktables.NTPublishAnnotatedOperation
Creates an NTPublishAnnotatedOperation.
- NTPublishAnnotatedOperation(InputSocket.Factory, Class<P>, MapNetworkPublisherFactory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.networktables.NTPublishAnnotatedOperation
Creates an NTPublishAnnotatedOperation for a type that already implements
(e.g. - NullAccelerationMode - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda
- NullAccelerationMode() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda.NullAccelerationMode
- NullCudaDetector - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda
- NullCudaDetector() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda.NullCudaDetector
- num() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TStep
The number of the step.
- number() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TSocket
checks to see if the socket is a number type.
- NUMBER - edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource.Types
- NumberPublishable - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
An adapter to allow numbers to be published from GRIP sockets into a
. - NumberPublishable(Number) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NumberPublishable
- NumberSpinnerInputSocketController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
that lets the user set the value of a number with aSpinner
. - NumberSpinnerInputSocketController.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
- Observable<T> - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.observables
An observable wraps a value that, when changed, will notify listeners of the change.
- Observer<T> - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.observables
Observes changes to the value of an
. - of(double...) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Statistics
Calculates the statistics of the given samples.
- of(Collection<? extends Number>) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Statistics
Calculates the statistics of the given samples.
- of(T) - Static method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.Observable
Creates an observable initialized to the given value.
- onAppSettingsChanged(AppSettingsChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- onBenchmarkEvent(BenchmarkEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
- onChange(T, T) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.Observer
Called when the value of the observable changes.
- onCodeGenerationSettingsChanged(CodeGenerationSettingsChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- onConnectionAdded(ConnectionAddedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Connection
- onConnectionAdded(ConnectionAddedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- onConnectionAdded(ConnectionAddedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.CodeGenerationOptionsController
- onConnectionAdded(ConnectionAddedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.PipelineController
- onConnectionRemoved(ConnectionRemovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Connection
- onConnectionRemoved(ConnectionRemovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- onConnectionRemoved(ConnectionRemovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.CodeGenerationOptionsController
- onConnectionRemoved(ConnectionRemovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.PipelineController
- onDeploy() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.DeployController
- onDirtiesSaveEvent(DirtiesSaveEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.Project
- onExceptionClearedEvent(ExceptionClearedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Main
- onExceptionClearedEvent(ExceptionClearedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.ExceptionWitnessResponderButton
- onExceptionEvent(ExceptionEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Main
- onExceptionEvent(ExceptionEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.ExceptionWitnessResponderButton
- onJavaFXRunnerEvent(GripPlatform.JavaFXRunnerEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.GripPlatform
- onOperationAdded(OperationAddedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Palette
- onOperationAdded(OperationAddedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.OperationListController
- onOutputChanged(SocketChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Connection
- onPipelineStart(RunStartedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http.DataHandler
- onPipelineStop(RunStoppedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http.DataHandler
- onProjectSettingsChanged(CodeGenerationSettingsChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.CodeGenerationOptionsController
- onProjectSettingsChanged(ProjectSettingsChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- onRender(RenderEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.TextAreaSocketPreviewView
- onRenderEvent(RenderEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ImageBasedPreviewView
Updates the image preview when the pipeline runs.
- onRenderEvent(RenderEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.PointSizeSocketPreviewView
- onRunFinished(RunStoppedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Cleaner
- onRunPipeline(RunPipelineEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
- onSettingsChanged(ProjectSettingsChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.DeployController
- onSocketChanged(SocketChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.OutputSocketController
- onSocketConnectedChanged(SocketConnectedChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.SocketHandleView
- onSocketPreviewChanged(SocketPreviewChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.PreviewsController
This function is called when a preview button is pushed/triggered.
- onSocketPreviewChangedEvent(SocketPreviewChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.OutputSocketController
- onSourceAdded(SourceAddedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- onSourceAdded(SourceAddedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.PipelineController
- onSourceRemoved(SourceRemovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- onSourceRemoved(SourceRemovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.VideoFileSource
- onSourceRemoved(SourceRemovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.PipelineController
- onSourceRemovedEvent(SourceRemovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- onSourceRemovedEvent(SourceRemovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.HttpSource
- onSourceRemovedEvent(SourceRemovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource
- onStepAdded(StepAddedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.PipelineController
- onStepMoved(StepMovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.PipelineController
- onStepMoved(StepMovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.PreviewsController
Any time a step is moved in the pipeline, we have to re-sort the previews.
- onStepRemoved(StepRemovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.PipelineController
- onStop() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.DeployController
- onStopPipeline(StopPipelineEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
- onSubscriberException(Throwable, SubscriberExceptionContext) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.GripCoreModule
- onThreadException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.GripCoreModule
- onUnexpectedThrowableEvent(UnexpectedThrowableEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.Main
- onValueChanged() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- onValueChanged() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket
Should be only called by parent classes.
- onValueChanged() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocketImpl
- onValueChanged() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
Called when the value for the socket is reassigned.
- onWarningEvent(WarningEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.MainWindowController
- open(File) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.Project
Load the project from a file.
- open(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.Project
Loads the project defined by the given XML string.
- OpenCLApiCallError - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- OpenCLDoubleNotSupported - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- OpenCLInitError - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- OpenCLNoAMDBlasFft - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- OPENCV - edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation.OperationCategory
- OpenGlApiCallError - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- OpenGlNotSupported - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- openProject() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.MainWindowController
Show a dialog for the user to pick a file to open a project from.
- Operation - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core
The common interface used by
s in a pipeline to call various operations. - OperationAddedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
Event for when a new operation is added to the application.
- OperationAddedEvent(OperationMetaData) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.OperationAddedEvent
- OperationCategory - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation
The categories that entries can be in.
- OperationController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui
A JavaFX control that renders information about an
. - OperationController.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui
- OperationDescription - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
An interface describing how an operation should be displayed in the
to the user. - OperationDescription.Builder - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
Builder class for
. - OperationDragService - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.dragging
- OperationDragService() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.dragging.OperationDragService
- OperationListController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui
Controller for a VBox of
s. - OperationListController() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.OperationListController
- OperationMetaData - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
Holds metadata for an operation.
- OperationMetaData(OperationDescription, Supplier<Operation>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationMetaData
Creates a metadata object for an
. - Operations - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations
- OPERATIONS_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.annotation.processor.ClassListProcessor
- OUTPUT - edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket.Direction
- outputHandleProperty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.ConnectionView
- outputHint - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CudaOperation
- outputSocket - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CudaOperation
Default image output socket.
- OutputSocket<T> - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
Represents the output of an
. - OutputSocket.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
- OutputSocketController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline
A JavaFX control that renders an
that is the output of a step. - OutputSocketController.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline
- outputSocketHints() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.PythonScriptFile
- OutputSocketImpl<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
A concrete implementation of the
. - OutputSocketImpl.FactoryImpl - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
- PACKAGE_NAME - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
- packageName(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings.Builder
Sets the package of the generated Java class.
- Palette - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
The palette is a library of operations that can be added as steps in the
. - Palette() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.Palette
- PaletteController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui
Controller for a list of the available operations that the user may select from.
- PaletteController() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.PaletteController
- ParamEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- ParametrizedController - Annotation Type in edu.wpi.grip.ui.annotations
Tag a JavaFX controller that needs to use assisted injection to instantiate the fields.
- parse(String...) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.CoreCommandLineHelper
Parses an array of command line arguments.
- parse(List<String>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.CoreCommandLineHelper
Parses a list of command line arguments.
- parseSocketName(Socket) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.TemplateMethods
Takes a socket and returns the Name.
- parseSocketType(Socket) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.TemplateMethods
Takes a socket and returns the type as a string.
- parseSocketValue(Socket) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.TemplateMethods
takes a socket and returns the value.
- path - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkReceiver
- Pausable - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.util
An interface for pausable execution units.
- pause() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.Pausable
Pauses execution.
- pausedProperty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.VideoFileSource
- pausedProperty() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.Pausable
Gets a property describing the current state of the pausable.
- pausedScrollProperty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.LogTextArea
- PCAFlagsEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- PedanticHandler - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.http
A handler that will only run if a request is on the same path as its context.
- PedanticHandler(ContextStore, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.PedanticHandler
Creates a new handler for the given context.
- PedanticHandler(ContextStore, String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.PedanticHandler
Creates a new handler for the given context.
- perform() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.Operation
Performs this
. - perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlurOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.CannyEdgeOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.CascadeClassifierOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ConvexHullsOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.CropOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.DesaturateOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.DistanceTransformOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FilterContoursOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FilterLinesOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FindBlobsOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FindContoursOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.FindLinesOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.HSLThresholdOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.HSVThresholdOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.MaskOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.NormalizeOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.PublishVideoOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ResizeOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.RGBThresholdOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.SaveImageOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.SwitchOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ThresholdMoving
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ValveOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.WatershedOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublishOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.MatFieldAccessor
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.MinMaxLoc
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.NewPointOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.NewSizeOperation
- perform() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.PythonScriptOperation
Perform the operation by calling a function in the Python script.
- performFunction() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.PythonScriptFile
- Pipeline - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
Pipeline has the list of steps in a computer vision algorithm, as well as the set of connections between the inputs and outputs of different steps.
- Pipeline() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
- PIPELINE_UPLOAD_PATH - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
The path for setting which pipeline to run.
- PipelineController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline
A JavaFX controller for the pipeline.
- PipelineController() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.PipelineController
- PipelineRunner - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
Runs the pipeline in a separate thread.
- pipelineShouldRun() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.events.RunPipelineEvent
Indicates to the
that there is an update to one of the values and it should run again. - pipelineShouldRun() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SocketChangedEvent
- pipelineShouldRun() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StartSingleBenchmarkRunEvent
- PointSizeSocketPreviewView<T extends org.bytedeco.javacpp.IntPointer> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview
for OpenCV points and sizes. - PORT_OPTION - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.CoreCommandLineHelper
- PRE_RUN - edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer.State
The server has not been started yet.
- preferCuda() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CudaOperation
Checks the
to see if this operation should prefer to use the CUDA codepath. - PREV_AROUND_DST - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
- PREV_AROUND_LEFT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
- PREV_AROUND_ORG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
- PREV_AROUND_RIGHT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
- PreviewsController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview
Controller for a container that automatically shows previews of all sockets marked as "previewed".
- PreviewsController() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.PreviewsController
- previous() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.PreviousNext
Perform the previous action on this object.
- previous() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.MultiImageFileSource
Assigns the output socket to the previous image.
- PREVIOUS_BUTTON_STYLE_CLASS - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.PreviousNextButtons
- PreviousNext - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core
An Object that can switch its value.
- PreviousNextButtons - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.components
A button that can be used to control anything that is
. - PreviousNextButtons(PreviousNext) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.PreviousNextButtons
- process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.annotation.processor.ClassListProcessor
- PROJ_SPHERICAL_EQRECT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.UndistortTypesEnum
- PROJ_SPHERICAL_ORTHO - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.UndistortTypesEnum
- Project - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization
Helper for saving and loading a processing pipeline to and from a file.
- Project() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.Project
- ProjectSettings - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.settings
This object holds settings that are saved in project files.
- ProjectSettings() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- ProjectSettingsBeanInfo - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.settings
BeanInfo class for
. - ProjectSettingsBeanInfo() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettingsBeanInfo
- ProjectSettingsChangedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
This event is posted after the
are changed so anything that relies on them can immediately update without restarting the application. - ProjectSettingsChangedEvent(ProjectSettings) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ProjectSettingsChangedEvent
- ProjectSettingsConverter - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization
XStream converter for
. - ProjectSettingsConverter(Project) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.ProjectSettingsConverter
- ProjectSettingsEditor - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui
A JavaFX dialog that lets the user edit the project
. - ProjectSettingsEditor(Parent, ProjectSettings, AppSettings) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.ProjectSettingsEditor
- PTLOC_ERROR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
- PTLOC_INSIDE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
- PTLOC_ON_EDGE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
- PTLOC_OUTSIDE_RECT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
- PTLOC_VERTEX - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
- publish(Map<String, T>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.MapNetworkPublisher
Publishes the given key/value pair to the network publisher.
- publish(T) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublisher
Should be called to pass a value to be published to the NetworkPublisher.
- Publishable - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
Interface for classes that can be published with a NetworkPublisher.
- PublishableObject - Annotation Type in edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation
Marks a type as being publishable by a network operation.
- PublishableProxy - Annotation Type in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
Marks a class as being a publishable proxy for a non-publishable type, like
. - PublishableRosProxy - Annotation Type in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
Marks a
field as a proxy for a non-ROS-publishable type. - PUBLISHABLES_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.annotation.processor.ClassListProcessor
- PublishAnnotatedOperation<D,P extends Publishable> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
Publishes data to a specific network protocol.
- PublishAnnotatedOperation(InputSocket.Factory, Class<D>, Class<P>, Function<D, P>, MapNetworkPublisherFactory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.PublishAnnotatedOperation
- publishNameChanged(Optional<String>, String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublisher
Called when when the name assigned to the publisher changes.
- PublishValue - Annotation Type in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
Annotation for accessors of values that should be published to a NetworkProtocol.
- PublishVideoOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
Publish an M-JPEG stream with the protocol used by SmartDashboard and the FRC Dashboard.
- PublishVideoOperation(InputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.PublishVideoOperation
- put(C, N) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
- put(opencv_core.Scalar) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Sets all or some of the array elements to the specified value.
- putAll(Map<? extends C, ? extends N>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
- pyName(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.PythonTMethods
- PYTHON - edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.Language
- PythonScriptFile - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations
Converts a string of Python Code or a Python File into something the
can handle. - PythonScriptFile() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.PythonScriptFile
- PythonScriptOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations
A class that implements an operation using Jython.
- PythonScriptOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory, PythonScriptFile) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.PythonScriptOperation
- PythonTMethods - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration
- PythonTMethods() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.PythonTMethods
- quit() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.MainWindowController
- R_REPLICATE - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVBorderTypesEnum
- RANGE - edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.View
- RangeInputSocketController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
that lets the user set a high and low value in a two-element list. - RangeInputSocketController.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
- ratioProperty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ResizableImageView
- rawCpu() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Gets the raw CPU mat.
- rawGpu() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Gets the raw GPU mat.
- READ - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageModeEnum
value, open the file for reading
- readClasses(String) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.MetaInfReader
Reads all classes from the appropriate registry file.
- readLines(String) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.MetaInfReader
Read all lines from a file located at
. - REAL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
floating-point number
- REAL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ParamEnum
- reallocateMatIfInputSizeOrWidthChanged(opencv_core.Mat[], int, opencv_core.Scalar, opencv_core.Mat) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ThresholdOperation
- record(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.ContextStore
Records the given context.
- RectanglesIntersectTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- RectangleSocketPreviewView - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview
Preview for a rectangle report socket.
- RectangleSocketPreviewView(GripPlatform, OutputSocket<RectsReport>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.RectangleSocketPreviewView
- RectsReport - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
Contains the results of a rectangle detection operation.
- RectsReport(MatWrapper, List<opencv_core.Rect>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.RectsReport
- REDUCE_AVG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ReduceTypesEnum
the output is the mean vector of all rows/columns of the matrix.
- REDUCE_MAX - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ReduceTypesEnum
the output is the maximum (column/row-wise) of all rows/columns of the matrix.
- REDUCE_MIN - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ReduceTypesEnum
the output is the minimum (column/row-wise) of all rows/columns of the matrix.
- REDUCE_SUM - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ReduceTypesEnum
the output is the sum of all rows/columns of the matrix.
- ReduceTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- REF - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
integer of size size_t.
- release() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSHttpCameraFrameGrabber
- release() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSUsbCameraFrameGrabber
- release() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.IPCameraFrameGrabber
- release() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SinglePermitSemaphore
Releases a permit.
- releaseContext() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GenericHandler
Releases the context that this handles, allowing it to be claimed by another handler.
- remove() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Connection
Removes this connection from the pipeline.
- remove(Object) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
- removeCallback(Consumer<opencv_core.Mat>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.HttpImageHandler
Removes the given callback from this handler.
- removeConnection(Connection) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- removeConnection(Connection) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocketImpl
Reset the socket to its default value when it's no longer connected to anything.
- removeConnection(Connection) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
Removes a connnection from this socket.
- removeConnection(Connection) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketImpl
- removeConnection(SourceRemovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Connection
- removeConnection(StepRemovedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Connection
- removed() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Step
Allows checks to see if this step has had its perform method disabled.
- removeDataSupplier(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.http.DataHandler
Removes the supplier for data with the given name.
- removeHandler(Handler) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
Removes the given handler from the server.
- removeObserver(Observer<? super T>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.Observable
Removes an observer from this observable.
- removeObserver(Observer<? super T>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.SimpleObservable
- removeObserver(Observer<? super T>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.SynchronizedObservable
- removeStep(Step) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Pipeline
Removes the given step from the pipeline.
- removeWithController(C) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
Remove the Controller and the controllers Node.
- removeWithNode(N) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
Remove the Node and the nodes Controller.
- RenderEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event that occurs when the pipeline has completed a run.
- RenderEvent() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.RenderEvent
- reset() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Timer
Resets this timer.
- resetValueToInitial() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.OutputSocket
Resets the value of this socket to its initial value.
- resetValueToInitial() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.OutputSocketImpl
- ResizableImageView - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview
A custom implementation of an image view that resizes to fit its parent container.
- ResizableImageView() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ResizableImageView
Creates a new resizable image view.
- ResizeOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
Scale an image to an exact width and height using one of several interpolation modes.
- ResizeOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ResizeOperation
- restart() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
Restarts the server on the current port.
- RestartableService - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service
This interface defines a
that breaks the guarantee that theService.State.FAILED
states are terminal states. - restartDelay() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.CooldownRestartPolicy
- restartDelay() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.ServiceRestartPolicy
When the service should restart, in nanoseconds from the point when the service failed.
- resume() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.Pausable
Resumes execution.
- RETR_CCOMP - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.RetrievalModesEnum
retrieves all of the contours and organizes them into a two-level hierarchy.
- RETR_EXTERNAL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.RetrievalModesEnum
retrieves only the extreme outer contours.
- RETR_FLOODFILL - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.RetrievalModesEnum
- RETR_LIST - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.RetrievalModesEnum
retrieves all of the contours without establishing any hierarchical relationships.
- RETR_TREE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.RetrievalModesEnum
retrieves all of the contours and reconstructs a full hierarchy of nested contours.
- RetrievalModesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- RGBThresholdOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
that converts a color image into a binary image based on threshold ranges for each channel. - RGBThresholdOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.RGBThresholdOperation
- RNGEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- ROOT_PATH - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
The root path for all GRIP-related HTTP activity.
- ROSLoader - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros
This class is copied from
and modified to allow for loading without using command line arguments. - ROSManager - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros
Manages the lifecycle of ROS Nodes.
- ROSMessagePublisher - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros
A publisher that uses
to resolve how the node should publish messages. - ROSMessagePublisher() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.ROSMessagePublisher
- ROSMessagePublisher.Converter - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros
- ROSNetworkPublisherFactory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros
A factory that can be used to publish ROS messages.
- ROSPublishOperation<D> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros
An operation that can publish a type to ROS using the java to message converter.
- ROSPublishOperation(InputSocket.Factory, Class<D>, ROSNetworkPublisherFactory, JavaToMessageConverter<D, ?>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.ROSPublishOperation
- rosType - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.ros.JavaToMessageConverter
- rows() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Gets the number of rows in this image.
- run() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.GrabberService
- run() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SafeShutdown.PreSystemExitHook
- run() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.Exporter
- run(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.BenchmarkRunner
Benchmarks the pipeline.
- runAsSoonAsPossible(Runnable) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.GripPlatform
Runs the specified
on the JavaFX application thread. - running() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.LoggingListener
- running() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.SingleActionListener
- RUNNING - edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer.State
The server is currently running.
- runPerform(boolean) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Step
method should only be called if allSocket.getValue()
are not empty. - runPerformIfPossible() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Step
method should only be called if allSocket.getValue()
are not empty. - RunPipelineEvent - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
Any event that indicates to the
that it should run. - RunStartedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event fired when the pipeline starts running.
- RunStartedEvent() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.RunStartedEvent
- RunStoppedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event fired when the pipeline stops running.
- RunStoppedEvent() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.RunStoppedEvent
- SAFE_SHUTDOWN - edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SafeShutdown.ExitCode
Clean shutdown.
- SafeShutdown - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.util
This class should be used to shutdown GRIP safely.
- SafeShutdown.ExitCode - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.core.util
Exit codes used by the GRIP application.
- SafeShutdown.PreSystemExitHook - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.util
- save(File) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.Project
Save the project to a file.
- save(Writer) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.Project
- SAVE_DIR - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
- saveDir(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings.Builder
Sets the directory code should be generated in.
- saveImage(byte[], String) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.FileManager
Saves an array of bytes to a file.
- saveImage(byte[], String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.GripFileManager
- SaveImageOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
Save JPEG files periodically to the local disk.
- SaveImageOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory, FileManager) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.SaveImageOperation
- saveProject() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.MainWindowController
Immediately save the project to whatever file it was loaded from or previously saved to.
- saveProjectAs() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.MainWindowController
Show a dialog that allows the user to save the current project to a file.
- SearchUtility - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.util
Utility for fuzzy text searching.
- SELECT - edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.View
- SelectInputSocketController<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
that shows a drop-down menu containing all of the possible values for the socket. - SelectInputSocketController.Factory<T> - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
- sendTextContent(HttpServletResponse, String, String) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GenericHandler
Sends text content to the client.
- SEQ - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
- serviceName() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.GrabberService
- ServiceRestartPolicy - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service
- set(MatWrapper) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Sets this as being backed by the given wrapper.
- set(opencv_core.GpuMat) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Sets this as being backed by an image in GPU memory.
- set(opencv_core.Mat) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Sets this as being backed by an image in host memory.
- set(T) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.Observable
Sets the value of this observable.
- set(T) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.SimpleObservable
- set(T) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.SynchronizedObservable
- setContent(Node) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.InputSocketController
- setContent(Node) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.TitledPane
- setDeployAddress(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- setDeployDir(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- setDeployJavaHome(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- setDeployJvmOptions(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- setDeployUser(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- setExpanded(SetStepsExpandedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.StepController
- setFile(Optional<File>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.Project
- setFrame(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.VideoFileSource
Sets the frame grabber to the given frame number.
- setFrameRate(double) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSourceUpdater
- setImage(Image) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.ResizableImageView
- setInitialFocus() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.ExceptionAlert
Call this to assign the initial focus element.
- setName(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.NetworkPublisher
Sets the name for the publisher.
- setPaused(boolean) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.Pausable
Sets whether this is paused or not.
- setPausedScroll(boolean) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.LogTextArea
- setPort(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
Stops the server (if it's running) and creates a new HTTP server on the given port.
- setPreviewed(boolean) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.OutputSocket
- setPreviewed(boolean) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.OutputSocketImpl
- setPublishAddress(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- setRemoved() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Step
Sets this step as having been removed.
- setServerPort(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.AppSettings
- setServerPort(CommandLine, SettingsProvider, EventBus) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.CoreCommandLineHelper
Tries to set the internal server port from the command line arguments.
- setSource(Optional<Source>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- setSource(Optional<Source>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
- setSource(Optional<Source>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketImpl
- setStep(Optional<Step>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- setStep(Optional<Step>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
- setStep(Optional<Step>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketImpl
- SetStepsExpandedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.events
Toggles every steps' visibility.
- SetStepsExpandedEvent(boolean) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.events.SetStepsExpandedEvent
- setTeamNumber(int) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
Set the FRC team number.
- setterName(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.CppTMethods
- setterName(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.JavaTMethods
- setterName(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.PythonTMethods
- setterName(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.TemplateMethods
Converts a name into the format for the correct language.
- setText(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.TitledPane
- Settings - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.settings
Marker interface for a settings class.
- SETTINGS_DIALOG_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.DPIUtility
- settingsChanged(AppSettingsChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
- SettingsProvider - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.settings
Provides access to the project's settings.
- setType(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TSocket
Sets the type of the socket to a value.
- setupLoggers() - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Loggers
Sets up loggers to print to stdout and to ~/GRIP/GRIP.log.
- setValue(Boolean) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.CudaSocket
- setValue(T) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
Set the value of the socket, and fire off a
. - setValueOptional(Optional<? extends Boolean>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.CudaSocket
- setValueOptional(Optional<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.InputSocket.Decorator
- setValueOptional(Optional<? extends T>) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
Set the value of the socket using an
, and fire off aSocketChangedEvent
. - setValueOptional(Optional<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketImpl
- shouldImplementWpilibPipeline() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.CodeGenerationSettings
- showProjectAboutDialog() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.MainWindowController
- showProjectSettingsEditor() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.MainWindowController
- shutDown() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.GrabberService
- shutdownIfFatal() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.UnexpectedThrowableEvent
This method will not return if the event is fatal.
- SimpleObservable<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.observables
Default thread-unsafe implementation of
. - SimpleSettingsBeanInfo - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.settings
Simple bean info for a settings class.
- SimpleSettingsBeanInfo(Class<? extends Settings>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.SimpleSettingsBeanInfo
- simpleString() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket
Creates a simple text representation of this socket in the format
{owner type}/{owner name}/{identifier}
, e.g. - SingleActionListener - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service
Will run the same runnable regardless of what listener callback is being called.
- SingleActionListener(Runnable) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.SingleActionListener
- SinglePermitSemaphore - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.util
A semaphore that behaves as if there was exactly one permit that can be acquired.
- SinglePermitSemaphore() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SinglePermitSemaphore
- size - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlobsReport.Blob
- size() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Gets the size (width by height) of this image.
- size() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
- SLIDER - edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.View
- SliderInputSocketController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
that lets the user set the value of a number with aSlider
. - SliderInputSocketController.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
- SMALL_ICON_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.DPIUtility
- Socket<T> - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
A Socket is an abstract wrapper for a value that can be updated and passed around operations.
- Socket.Direction - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
- SocketChangedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event that occurs when the value stored in a socket changes.
- SocketChangedEvent(Socket) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SocketChangedEvent
- SocketConnectedChangedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
This event is sent when the state of a socket (connected vs.
- SocketConnectedChangedEvent(Socket) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SocketConnectedChangedEvent
- SocketConverter - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization
An XStream converter for serializing and deserializing sockets.
- SocketConverter() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.SocketConverter
- SocketDragService() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.SocketHandleView.SocketDragService
- SocketHandleView - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline
The bubble next to each socket that connections go in and out of This class handles the drag-and-drop events that allow users to add and remove connections.
- SocketHandleView.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline
- SocketHandleView.SocketDragService - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline
Provides a singleton object to assign the socket being dragged from during dragging to allow for a connection to be made.
- SocketHint<T> - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
is a descriptor that gives some information about one of the inputs or outputs of an Operation. - SocketHint.BasicSocketHint<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
A concrete implementation of the SocketHint class that provides the functionality of a raw SocketHint.
- SocketHint.Builder<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
- SocketHint.IdentiferOverridingSocketHintDecorator<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
A SocketHintDecorator that easily redecorates the
method. - SocketHint.SocketHintDecorator<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
- SocketHint.View - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
- SocketHintDecorator(SocketHint<T>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.SocketHintDecorator
- SocketHints - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
Commonly used
. - SocketHints.Inputs - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
should only be used inInputSockets
. - SocketHints.Outputs - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
should only be used inInputSockets
. - SocketImpl<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets
A concrete implementation of
. - SocketPreviewChangedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event that occurs when a
is set to be either previewed or not previewed. - SocketPreviewChangedEvent(OutputSocket) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SocketPreviewChangedEvent
- SocketPreviewView<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview
A JavaFX control that shows a preview of the current value of a socket.
- SocketPreviewView(OutputSocket<T>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.SocketPreviewView
- SocketPreviewViewFactory - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview
Factory for constructing
. - solidity() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport.Contour
- SOLVELP_MULTI - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SolveLPResultEnum
there are multiple maxima for target function - the arbitrary one is returned
- SOLVELP_SINGLE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SolveLPResultEnum
there is only one maximum for target function
- SOLVELP_UNBOUNDED - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SolveLPResultEnum
problem is unbounded (target function can achieve arbitrary high values)
- SOLVELP_UNFEASIBLE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SolveLPResultEnum
problem is unfeasible (there are no points that satisfy all the constraints imposed)
- SolveLPResultEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- sort(Comparator<? super C>) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
Allows sorting of the nodes using their respective controllers
- SORT_ASCENDING - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SortFlagsEnum
each matrix row is sorted in the ascending order.
- SORT_DESCENDING - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SortFlagsEnum
each matrix row is sorted in the descending order; this flag and the previous one are also mutually exclusive.
- SORT_EVERY_COLUMN - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SortFlagsEnum
each matrix column is sorted independently; this flag and the previous one are mutually exclusive.
- SORT_EVERY_ROW - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SortFlagsEnum
each matrix row is sorted independently
- SortFlagsEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- Source - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
Base class for an input into the pipeline.
- Source(ExceptionWitness.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.Source
- Source.SourceFactory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core
- Source.SourceFactoryImpl - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
- SourceAddedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event that occurs when a new source is added to the pipeline.
- SourceAddedEvent(Source) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SourceAddedEvent
- sourceClass - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.LoggingListener
- SourceController<S extends Source> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source
A JavaFX control that represents a
. - SourceController.BaseSourceControllerFactory<S extends Source> - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source
- SourceControllerFactory - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source
BaseSourceControllerFactory for creating views to control sources.
- SourceConverter - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization
XStream converter for sources.
- SourceConverter() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.SourceConverter
- SourceFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.Source.SourceFactoryImpl
- SourceHasPendingUpdateEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event that occurs when a source has an update pending for the
to handle. - SourceHasPendingUpdateEvent(Source) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SourceHasPendingUpdateEvent
- SourceRemovedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event that occurs when a source is removed from the pipeline.
- SourceRemovedEvent(Source) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SourceRemovedEvent
- SparseMatEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- Spinners - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.util
Utility methods to set up spinners in a safe way.
- start() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
Starts this server.
- start() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSHttpCameraFrameGrabber
- start() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSUsbCameraFrameGrabber
- start() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.IPCameraFrameGrabber
- start(String[]) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Main
- start(Stage) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.preloader.GripPreloader
- start(Stage) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.Main
- startAsync() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
Starts the pipeline to run at the default rate.
- startAsync() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
Starts the service that runs the camera source.
- startAsync() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
- startAsync() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.RestartableService
If the service state is
this initiates service startup and returns immediately. - started() - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.BenchmarkEvent
- started() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Timer
Starts the timer.
- STARTED_STYLE_CLASS - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.StartStoppableButton
- starting() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.LoggingListener
- starting() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.SingleActionListener
- StartSingleBenchmarkRunEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event representing the start of a single benchmarked pipeline run.
- StartSingleBenchmarkRunEvent() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StartSingleBenchmarkRunEvent
- StartStoppableButton - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.components
- StartStoppableButton.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.components
- startUp() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.GrabberService
- state() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
- state() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- state() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
- Statistics - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics
Statistics analysis.
- Step - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
A step is an instance of an operation in a pipeline.
- Step.Factory - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core
- StepAddedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event that occurs when a new step is added to the pipeline.
- StepAddedEvent(Step) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StepAddedEvent
- StepAddedEvent(Step, int) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StepAddedEvent
- StepController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline
A JavaFX control that shows a step in the pipeline.
- StepController.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline
Used for assisted injects.
- StepConverter - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization
An XStream converter that converts a
to and from a serialized representation. - StepConverter() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.StepConverter
- StepDragService - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.dragging
Service for dragging and dropping a step.
- StepDragService() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.dragging.StepDragService
- StepIndexer - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core
An interface for getting the indices of steps.
- StepMovedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event that occurs when a new step is moved from one position to another in the pipeline.
- StepMovedEvent(Step, int) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StepMovedEvent
- StepRemovedEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event that occurs when a new step is removed from the pipeline.
- StepRemovedEvent(Step) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StepRemovedEvent
- steps - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TPipeline
- stop() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
Stops this server.
- stop() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Timer
Stops the timer.
- stop() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSHttpCameraFrameGrabber
- stop() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSUsbCameraFrameGrabber
- stop() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.IPCameraFrameGrabber
- stop() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.Main
- stopAndAwait() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
- stopAndAwait() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- stopAndAwait() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
- stopAndAwait() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.RestartableService
- stopAndAwait(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
- stopAndAwait(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- stopAndAwait(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
- stopAndAwait(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.RestartableService
- stopAsync() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.PipelineRunner
- stopAsync() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
Stops the service that is running camera source.
- stopAsync() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.AutoRestartingService
- stopAsync() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.RestartableService
Stops the service.
- STOPPED - edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer.State
The server was running and has been stopped.
- STOPPED_STYLE_CLASS - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.components.StartStoppableButton
- stopping - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SafeShutdown
- stopping(Service.State) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.LoggingListener
- stopping(Service.State) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.SingleActionListener
- StopPipelineEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
This event is posted to tell the pipeline to stop executing.
- StopPipelineEvent() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StopPipelineEvent
- STR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
text string in UTF-8 encoding
- STRING - edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource.Types
- STRING - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
synonym for STR
- STRING - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ParamEnum
- StringInMemoryFile - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.util
A "file" that can be transfered uses SSHJ's scp routines, but is backed by an in-memory string instead of an actual file.
- StringInMemoryFile(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.StringInMemoryFile
- StringInMemoryFile(String, String, int) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.StringInMemoryFile
- STROKE_WIDTH - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.DPIUtility
- StsAssert - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
assertion failed
- StsAutoTrace - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- StsBackTrace - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
pseudo error for back trace
- StsBadArg - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
function arg/param is bad
- StsBadFlag - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
flag is wrong or not supported
- StsBadFunc - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
unsupported function
- StsBadMask - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
bad format of mask (neither 8uC1 nor 8sC1)
- StsBadMemBlock - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
an allocated block has been corrupted
- StsBadPoint - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
bad CvPoint
- StsBadSize - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
the input/output structure size is incorrect
- StsDivByZero - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
division by zero
- StsError - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
unknown /unspecified error
- StsFilterOffsetErr - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
incorrect filter ofset value
- StsFilterStructContentErr - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- StsInplaceNotSupported - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
in-place operation is not supported
- StsInternal - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
internal error (bad state)
- StsKernelStructContentErr - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- StsNoConv - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- StsNoMem - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
insufficient memory
- StsNotImplemented - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
the requested function/feature is not implemented
- StsNullPtr - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
null pointer
- StsObjectNotFound - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
request can't be completed
- StsOk - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
everithing is ok
- StsOutOfRange - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
some of parameters are out of range
- StsParseError - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
invalid syntax/structure of the parsed file
- StsUnmatchedFormats - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
formats of input/output arrays differ
- StsUnmatchedSizes - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
sizes of input/output structures do not match
- StsUnsupportedFormat - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
the data format/type is not supported by the function
- StsVecLengthErr - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
incorrect vector length
- StyleClassNameUtility - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.util
Creates CSS style classes and ID's for nodes.
- SubdivEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- SUBMATRIX_FLAG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.MatEnum
- SUBMATRIX_FLAG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatEnum
- summary() - Method in annotation type edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation.Description
A brief summary of the operation.
- summary() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription
- summary() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.PythonScriptFile
- summary(String) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription.Builder
Sets the summary.
- SupplierWithIO<T> - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.util
A supplier that can throw an IO exception.
- SVDFlagsEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- SwitchOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
Allows for switching between two arbitrary typed
using a booleanInputSocket
. - SwitchOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.SwitchOperation
- SynchronizedObservable<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.observables
A thread-safe implementation of
. - synchronizedOf(T) - Static method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.observables.Observable
Creates a thread-safe observable initialized to the given value.
- TEMP_COPIED_UMAT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatDataEnum
- TEMP_UMAT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatDataEnum
- TemplateFactory - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated
Allows you to easily create
using onlySocketHints
and a lambda that will be run as part of theOperation.perform()
method. - TemplateFactory(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.templated.TemplateFactory
- TemplateMatchModesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- TemplateMethods - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration
- TemplateMethods() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.TemplateMethods
- TermCriteriaTypeEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- terminated(Service.State) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.LoggingListener
- terminated(Service.State) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.SingleActionListener
- TEXT - edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.View
- TextAreaSocketPreviewView<T> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview
that previews sockets by simply calling theirtoString()
method and showing the result in a text area. - TextAreaSocketPreviewView(GripPlatform, OutputSocket<T>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.TextAreaSocketPreviewView
- TextFieldInputSocketController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
that lets the user set the value of a number with aTextField
- TextFieldInputSocketController.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input
- textProperty() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.TitledPane
- THRESH_BINARY - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVAdaptThresholdTypesEnum
- THRESH_BINARY - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVThresholdTypesEnum
- THRESH_BINARY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ThresholdTypesEnum
\f[\texttt{dst} (x,y) = \fork{\texttt{maxval}}{if \(\texttt{src}(x,y) > \texttt{thresh}\)}{0}{otherwise}\f]
- THRESH_BINARY_INV - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVAdaptThresholdTypesEnum
- THRESH_BINARY_INV - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVThresholdTypesEnum
- THRESH_BINARY_INV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ThresholdTypesEnum
\f[\texttt{dst} (x,y) = \fork{0}{if \(\texttt{src}(x,y) > \texttt{thresh}\)}{\texttt{maxval}}{otherwise}\f]
- THRESH_MASK - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ThresholdTypesEnum
- THRESH_OTSU - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVThresholdTypesEnum
- THRESH_OTSU - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ThresholdTypesEnum
flag, use Otsu algorithm to choose the optimal threshold value
- THRESH_TOZERO - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVThresholdTypesEnum
- THRESH_TOZERO - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ThresholdTypesEnum
\f[\texttt{dst} (x,y) = \fork{\texttt{src}(x,y)}{if \(\texttt{src}(x,y) > \texttt{thresh}\)}{0}{otherwise}\f]
- THRESH_TOZERO_INV - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVThresholdTypesEnum
- THRESH_TOZERO_INV - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ThresholdTypesEnum
\f[\texttt{dst} (x,y) = \fork{0}{if \(\texttt{src}(x,y) > \texttt{thresh}\)}{\texttt{src}(x,y)}{otherwise}\f]
- THRESH_TRIANGLE - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVThresholdTypesEnum
- THRESH_TRIANGLE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ThresholdTypesEnum
flag, use Triangle algorithm to choose the optimal threshold value
- THRESH_TRUNC - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVThresholdTypesEnum
- THRESH_TRUNC - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ThresholdTypesEnum
\f[\texttt{dst} (x,y) = \fork{\texttt{threshold}}{if \(\texttt{src}(x,y) > \texttt{thresh}\)}{\texttt{src}(x,y)}{otherwise}\f]
- ThresholdMoving - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
Finds the absolute difference between the current image and the previous image.
- ThresholdMoving(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ThresholdMoving
- ThresholdOperation<O extends ThresholdOperation<O>> - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
- ThresholdOperation() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ThresholdOperation
- ThresholdTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- time(Runnable) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Timer
Times the given runnable target.
- Timer - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics
Timer for code that gets run.
- Timer.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics
- TimerEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event fired when a
finishes timing something. - TimerEvent(Timer, Object, long) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.TimerEvent
Creates a new timer event.
- TInput - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data
- TInput(String, String, TOutput) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TInput
creates a new TInput with an output
- TInput(String, String, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TInput
creates a new TInput with a preset value
- TitledPane - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview
Custom implementation of a titled pane.
- TitledPane() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.preview.TitledPane
Creates a new titled pane with no text and no content.
- TM_CCOEFF - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.TemplateMatchModesEnum
\f[R(x,y)= \sum _{x',y'} (T'(x',y') \cdot I'(x+x',y+y'))\f] where \f[\begin{array}{l} T'(x',y')=T(x',y') - 1/(w \cdot h) \cdot \sum _{x'',y''} T(x'',y'') \\ I'(x+x',y+y')=I(x+x',y+y') - 1/(w \cdot h) \cdot \sum _{x'',y''} I(x+x'',y+y'') \end{array}\f]
- TM_CCOEFF_NORMED - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.TemplateMatchModesEnum
\f[R(x,y)= \frac{ \sum_{x',y'} (T'(x',y') \cdot I'(x+x',y+y')) }{ \sqrt{\sum_{x',y'}T'(x',y')^2 \cdot \sum_{x',y'} I'(x+x',y+y')^2} }\f]
- TM_CCORR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.TemplateMatchModesEnum
\f[R(x,y)= \sum _{x',y'} (T(x',y') \cdot I(x+x',y+y'))\f]
- TM_CCORR_NORMED - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.TemplateMatchModesEnum
\f[R(x,y)= \frac{\sum_{x',y'} (T(x',y') \cdot I(x+x',y+y'))}{\sqrt{\sum_{x',y'}T(x',y')^2 \cdot \sum_{x',y'} I(x+x',y+y')^2}}\f]
- TM_SQDIFF - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.TemplateMatchModesEnum
\f[R(x,y)= \sum _{x',y'} (T(x',y')-I(x+x',y+y'))^2\f]
- TM_SQDIFF_NORMED - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.TemplateMatchModesEnum
\f[R(x,y)= \frac{\sum_{x',y'} (T(x',y')-I(x+x',y+y'))^2}{\sqrt{\sum_{x',y'}T(x',y')^2 \cdot \sum_{x',y'} I(x+x',y+y')^2}}\f]
- toOperationMetaData(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.PythonScriptFile
Converts this file into a
. - topLeftX() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.RectsReport
An array of the coordinates of the X-values of the top-left corner of every rectangle.
- topLeftY() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.RectsReport
An array of the coordinates of the Y-values of the top-left corner of every rectangle.
- toProperty() - Method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource.Types
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Connection
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ConnectionAddedEvent
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.ConnectionRemovedEvent
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.OperationAddedEvent
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SocketChangedEvent
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SocketConnectedChangedEvent
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SocketPreviewChangedEvent
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SourceAddedEvent
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.SourceRemovedEvent
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StepAddedEvent
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StepMovedEvent
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.StepRemovedEvent
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.metrics.Statistics
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationDescription
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.OperationMetaData
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlobsReport.Blob
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlobsReport
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.AppSettings
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.settings.ProjectSettings
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.OutputSocketImpl
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.BasicSocketHint
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.IdentiferOverridingSocketHintDecorator
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketImpl
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Source
- toString() - Method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource.Types
- toString() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Step
- toString() - Method in enum edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.Language
- TOutput - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data
- TOutput(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TOutput
Constructor that creates a new template output socket.
- TPipeline - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data
TPipeline(template pipeline) is a data structure that holds the information about a pipeline needed by the velocity templates to generate code.
- TPipeline(List<Step>) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TPipeline
Creates a Tpipeline from a pipeline
- trigger() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSHttpCameraFrameGrabber
- trigger() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSUsbCameraFrameGrabber
- trigger() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.IPCameraFrameGrabber
- triggerShutdown() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.GrabberService
- tryLoad() - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSHttpCameraFrameGrabber
- tryLoad() - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CSUsbCameraFrameGrabber
- tryLoad() - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.IPCameraFrameGrabber
- trySave(File) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.Project
Tries to save this project to the given file.
- TSocket - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data
This class is a socket for a step and is extended by TOutput and TInput.
- TSocket(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TSocket
The default constructor for a Socket.
- TStep - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data
- TStep(String, int) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TStep
This is a constructor for a Template step.
- type() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Gets the type of the data format of this image.
- type() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TSocket
gets the type of the socket.
- TYPE_MASK - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
- TYPE_MASK - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.MatEnum
- TYPE_MASK - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatEnum
- UCHAR - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ParamEnum
- UICommandLineHelper - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui
Command line helper for the UI.
- UICommandLineHelper() - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.UICommandLineHelper
- UINT64 - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ParamEnum
- UMatDataEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- UMatEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- UMatUsageFlagsEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration
- UNDEFINED - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageEnum
- UndistortTypesEnum - Enum in edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration
- UnexpectedThrowableEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
Event should be thrown when Unexpected Throwable ends up in an
. - UnexpectedThrowableEvent(Throwable, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.UnexpectedThrowableEvent
- UnexpectedThrowableEvent(Throwable, String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.UnexpectedThrowableEvent
- UnexpectedThrowableEvent.UnexpectedThrowableEventHandler - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
A functional interface allowing for UnexpectedThrowableEvents to be handled safely.
- UNIFORM - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.RNGEnum
- unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.CodeGenerationSettingsConverter
- unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.ConnectionConverter
- unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.ProjectSettingsConverter
- unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.SocketConverter
- unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.SourceConverter
- unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.StepConverter
- UNSIGNED_INT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ParamEnum
- updateCheckboxFromSocket(SocketChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.CheckboxInputSocketController
- updateChoiceBoxFromSocket(SocketChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.SelectInputSocketController
- updateOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.Source
This method will check if there are any pending updates to output sockets.
- updateOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSource
- updateOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ClassifierSource
- updateOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.HttpSource
- updateOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.ImageFileSource
- updateOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.MultiImageFileSource
- updateOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource
- updateOutputSockets() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.VideoFileSource
- updatesComplete() - Method in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.CameraSourceUpdater
- updateSettings(ProjectSettingsChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.networktables.NTManager
Change the server address according to the project setting.
- updateSliderValue(SocketChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.RangeInputSocketController
- updateSliderValue(SocketChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.SliderInputSocketController
- updateSpinnerFromSocket(SocketChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.ListSpinnerInputSocketController
- updateSpinnerFromSocket(SocketChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.NumberSpinnerInputSocketController
- updateTextFieldFromSocket(SocketChangedEvent) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.input.TextFieldInputSocketController
- UPLOAD_PATH - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer
The root path for uploading data to the server.
- url() - Method in annotation type edu.wpi.grip.ui.annotations.ParametrizedController
- USAGE_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_MEMORY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatUsageFlagsEnum
- USAGE_ALLOCATE_HOST_MEMORY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatUsageFlagsEnum
- USAGE_ALLOCATE_SHARED_MEMORY - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatUsageFlagsEnum
- USAGE_DEFAULT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatUsageFlagsEnum
- USE_AVG - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.PCAFlagsEnum
- USER - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
a registered object (e.g.
- USER_ALLOCATED - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatDataEnum
- using(opencv_core.Mat, opencv_core.GpuMat) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Creates a wrapper around existing mats in host and device memory.
- VALID_START_STATES - Static variable in interface edu.wpi.grip.core.util.service.RestartableService
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVAdaptThresholdTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVBorderTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVThresholdTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.enumeration.FlipCode
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.BorderTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CmpTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CovarFlagsEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DecompTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DftFlagsEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.Enum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageModeEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FormatterEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.GemmFlagsEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HammingEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HersheyFontsEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.KmeansFlagsEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.LineTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.MatEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.NormTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ParamEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.PCAFlagsEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ReduceTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.RNGEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SolveLPResultEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SortFlagsEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SparseMatEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SVDFlagsEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.TermCriteriaTypeEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatDataEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatUsageFlagsEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.AdaptiveThresholdTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ConnectedComponentsTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ContourApproximationModesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTransformLabelTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTransformMasksEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.FloodFillFlagsEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.GrabCutClassesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.GrabCutModesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HistCompMethodsEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HoughModesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationFlagsEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationMasksEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.LineSegmentDetectorModesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphShapesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.RectanglesIntersectTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.RetrievalModesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.TemplateMatchModesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ThresholdTypesEnum
- value - Variable in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.UndistortTypesEnum
- value() - Method in annotation type edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.PublishableProxy
The type(s) that the marked class is an publishable version of.
- value() - Method in annotation type edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.PublishableRosProxy
The type the marked converter is a proxy for.
- value() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.data.TInput
Gets the value of the output.
- VALUE_EXPECTED - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageEnum
- valueMethodStream() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.PublishAnnotatedOperation
Gets a stream of all valid methods annotated with
in the class of the data to publish. - valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation.OperationCategory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVAdaptThresholdTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVBorderTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVThresholdTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.enumeration.FlipCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.View
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource.Types
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.util.GripMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SafeShutdown.ExitCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.BorderTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CmpTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CovarFlagsEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DecompTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DftFlagsEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.Enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageModeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FormatterEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.GemmFlagsEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HammingEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HersheyFontsEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.KmeansFlagsEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.LineTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.MatEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.NormTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ParamEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.PCAFlagsEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ReduceTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.RNGEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SolveLPResultEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SortFlagsEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SparseMatEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SVDFlagsEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.TermCriteriaTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatDataEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatUsageFlagsEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.AdaptiveThresholdTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ConnectedComponentsTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ContourApproximationModesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTransformLabelTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTransformMasksEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.FloodFillFlagsEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.GrabCutClassesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.GrabCutModesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HistCompMethodsEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HoughModesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationFlagsEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationMasksEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.LineSegmentDetectorModesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphShapesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.RectanglesIntersectTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.RetrievalModesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.TemplateMatchModesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ThresholdTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.UndistortTypesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.Language
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.annotation.operation.OperationCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.http.GripServer.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVAdaptThresholdTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVBorderTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.CVOperations.CVThresholdTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.enumeration.FlipCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.Socket.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.View
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.sources.NetworkTableEntrySource.Types
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.util.GripMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.core.util.SafeShutdown.ExitCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.BorderTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CmpTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CovarFlagsEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.CpuFeaturesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DecompTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.DftFlagsEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.Enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ErrorCodeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileNodeTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageModeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FormatterEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.GemmFlagsEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HammingEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.HersheyFontsEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.KmeansFlagsEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.LineTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.MatEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.NormTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ParamEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.PCAFlagsEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.ReduceTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.RNGEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SolveLPResultEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SortFlagsEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SparseMatEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.SVDFlagsEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.TermCriteriaTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatDataEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatUsageFlagsEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.AdaptiveThresholdTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColorConversionCodesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ColormapTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ConnectedComponentsTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ContourApproximationModesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTransformLabelTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTransformMasksEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.DistanceTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.FloodFillFlagsEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.GrabCutClassesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.GrabCutModesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HistCompMethodsEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.HoughModesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationFlagsEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationMasksEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.LineSegmentDetectorModesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphShapesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.MorphTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.RectanglesIntersectTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.RetrievalModesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.SubdivEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.TemplateMatchModesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.ThresholdTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.UndistortTypesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum edu.wpi.grip.ui.codegeneration.Language
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.ui.util.ControllerMap
- ValveOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
- ValveOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ValveOperation
- Vector2D - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network
A type publishable to a NetworkPublisher that consists of two numbers.
- Vector2D(opencv_core.Point) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.Vector2D
- Vector2D(opencv_core.Size) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.Vector2D
- verify() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda.CudaVerifier
Verifies that, if GRIP is using CUDA acceleration, a compatible CUDA runtime is available.
- verifyCuda() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.cuda.CudaVerifier
Verifies the presence of a CUDA runtime, if required by the GRIP runtime, and exits the app if no compatible CUDA runtime is available.
- VERSION_OPTION - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.CoreCommandLineHelper
- VideoFileSource - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
A source for a video file input.
- VideoFileSource.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.core.sources
- VideoFileSourceController - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source
- VideoFileSourceController.Factory - Interface in edu.wpi.grip.ui.pipeline.source
- view(SocketHint.View) - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.sockets.SocketHint.Builder
- WarningAlert - Class in edu.wpi.grip.ui
An alert that warns the user when they try to do something unsupported, such as trying to generate code with an operation that does not support code gen.
- WarningAlert(String, String, Window) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.ui.WarningAlert
Creates a new warning alert.
- WarningEvent - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.events
An event fired when the user should be warned they tried to do something unsupported, such as trying to generate code with an operation that does not support code gen.
- WarningEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.events.WarningEvent
Creates a new warning event.
- WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationFlagsEnum
flag, fills all of the destination image pixels.
- WARP_INVERSE_MAP - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_imgproc.enumeration.InterpolationFlagsEnum
flag, inverse transformation For example, polar transforms: - flag is __not__ set: \f$dst( \phi , \rho ) = src(x,y)\f$ - flag is set: \f$dst(x,y) = src( \phi , \rho )\f$
- WatershedOperation - Class in edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite
foropencv_imgproc.watershed(org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat)
. - WatershedOperation(InputSocket.Factory, OutputSocket.Factory) - Constructor for class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.WatershedOperation
- weight() - Method in annotation type edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.network.PublishValue
- width() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.ContoursReport.Contour
- width() - Method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.RectsReport
An array of the widths of every rectangle.
- wrap(opencv_core.GpuMat) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Creates a wrapper around an existing mat in GPU memory.
- wrap(opencv_core.Mat) - Static method in class edu.wpi.grip.core.MatWrapper
Creates a wrapper around an existing mat in host memory.
- WRITE - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.FileStorageModeEnum
value, open the file for writing
- x - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlobsReport.Blob
- X_AXIS - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.enumeration.FlipCode
- x1 - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport.Line
- x2 - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport.Line
- xstream - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.serialization.Project
- XSTREAM_ALIASES_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class edu.wpi.grip.annotation.processor.ClassListProcessor
- y - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.BlobsReport.Blob
- Y_AXIS - edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.opencv.enumeration.FlipCode
- y1 - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport.Line
- y2 - Variable in class edu.wpi.grip.core.operations.composite.LinesReport.Line
- __UMAT_USAGE_FLAGS_32BIT - edu.wpi.grip.generated.opencv_core.enumeration.UMatUsageFlagsEnum
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