Class NTPublishAnnotatedOperation<D,​P extends Publishable>

    • Constructor Detail

      • NTPublishAnnotatedOperation

        public NTPublishAnnotatedOperation​(InputSocket.Factory inputSocketFactory,
                                           java.lang.Class<P> dataType,
                                           MapNetworkPublisherFactory publisherFactory)
        Creates an NTPublishAnnotatedOperation for a type that already implements Publishable (e.g. ContoursReport).
        inputSocketFactory - factory for creating the input sockets
        dataType - the type of the data to publish
        publisherFactory - factory for creating the publisher
      • NTPublishAnnotatedOperation

        public NTPublishAnnotatedOperation​(InputSocket.Factory inputSocketFactory,
                                           java.lang.Class<D> dataType,
                                           java.lang.Class<P> publishType,
                                           java.util.function.Function<D,​P> converter,
                                           MapNetworkPublisherFactory publisherFactory)
        Creates an NTPublishAnnotatedOperation.
        inputSocketFactory - factory for creating the input sockets
        dataType - the type of the data to publish
        publishType - the publishable analog of the data type
        converter - function for converting instances of the input type to publishable objects
        publisherFactory - factory for creating the publisher
    • Method Detail

      • descriptionFor

        public static OperationDescription descriptionFor​(java.lang.Class<?> dataType)
        Creates an OperationDescription for an NTPublishAnnotatedOperation that publishes data of the given type.
        dataType - the type of the data to publish