BlobsSocketPreviewView |
A SocketPreviewView for BlobsReports that shows the original image with circles overlayed onto
it, showing the location and size of detected blobs.
ContoursSocketPreviewView |
A preview view for displaying contours.
ImageBasedPreviewView<T> |
Base class for image previews.
ImageSocketPreviewView |
A SocketPreviewView that previews sockets containing OpenCV Mats.
LinesSocketPreviewView |
A SocketPreviewView that previews sockets containing containing the result of a line
detection algorithm.
PointSizeSocketPreviewView<T extends org.bytedeco.javacpp.IntPointer> |
PreviewsController |
Controller for a container that automatically shows previews of all sockets marked as
RectangleSocketPreviewView |
Preview for a rectangle report socket.
ResizableImageView |
A custom implementation of an image view that resizes to fit its parent container.
SocketPreviewView<T> |
A JavaFX control that shows a preview of the current value of a socket.
SocketPreviewViewFactory |
TextAreaSocketPreviewView<T> |
A SocketPreviewView that previews sockets by simply calling their
toString() method and showing the result in a text area.
TitledPane |
Custom implementation of a titled pane.