Class NetworkPublishOperation<D>

    • Field Detail

      • dataType

        protected final java.lang.Class<D> dataType
      • nameSocket

        protected final InputSocket<java.lang.String> nameSocket
    • Constructor Detail

      • NetworkPublishOperation

        protected NetworkPublishOperation​(InputSocket.Factory isf,
                                          java.lang.Class<D> dataType)
    • Method Detail

      • getInputSockets

        public java.util.List<InputSocket> getInputSockets()
        Specified by:
        getInputSockets in interface Operation
        A list of sockets for the inputs that the operation expects.
      • createFlagSockets

        protected abstract java.util.List<InputSocket<java.lang.Boolean>> createFlagSockets()
        Creates a list of input sockets that control which items to publish.
      • getOutputSockets

        public java.util.List<OutputSocket> getOutputSockets()
        Specified by:
        getOutputSockets in interface Operation
        A list of sockets for the outputs that the operation produces.
      • doPublish

        protected abstract void doPublish()
        Publishes the data.
      • perform

        public void perform()
        Description copied from interface: Operation
        Performs this Operation.
        Specified by:
        perform in interface Operation