Class StyleClassNameUtility

  • public final class StyleClassNameUtility
    extends java.lang.Object
    Creates CSS style classes and ID's for nodes. This makes it possible to use CSS selectors to retrieve nodes in unit tests.
    • Method Detail

      • idNameFor

        public static java.lang.String idNameFor​(OperationDescription operationDescription)
        The CSS id name for an operation. To use as a css selector then prepend the string with a '#'.
        operationDescription - the description of the operation.
        The CSS id for the operation.
      • classNameFor

        public static java.lang.String classNameFor​(Step step)
        Return the CSS class name for a step. To use as a css selector then prepend the string with a '.'.
        step - The step to get the class name for
        The CSS class for the step in the pipeline.
      • classNameFor

        public static java.lang.String classNameFor​(Connection connection)
        Return the CSS class name for a connection. To use as a css selector then prepend the string with a '.'.
        connection - The connection to get the class name for.
        The CSS class for the connection in the pipeline.
      • classNameForStepHolding

        public static java.lang.String classNameForStepHolding​(OperationDescription operation)
        Return the CSS Class name for a Step that holds this Operation. To use as a css selector then prepend the string with a '.'.
        operation - The operation to get the step's class name for
        The CSS class for this step.
      • cssSelectorForOutputSocketHandleOnStepHolding

        public static java.lang.String cssSelectorForOutputSocketHandleOnStepHolding​(OperationDescription operation)
      • cssSelectorForInputSocketHandleOnStepHolding

        public static java.lang.String cssSelectorForInputSocketHandleOnStepHolding​(OperationDescription operation)
      • cssSelectorForOutputSocketHandleOn

        public static java.lang.String cssSelectorForOutputSocketHandleOn​(Step step)
      • cssSelectorForInputSocketHandleOn

        public static java.lang.String cssSelectorForInputSocketHandleOn​(Step step)