Class ExceptionAlert

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ExceptionAlert
    extends javafx.scene.control.Alert
    Displays an alert with an exception and provides a place for a user to supply information about what caused the error. Includes a textbox with formatted markdown to allow the issue to be pasted into GitHub easily. Also, provides links with quick access to the GitHub issue page.
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javafx.scene.control.Alert

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ExceptionAlert​(javafx.scene.Parent root, java.lang.Throwable throwable, java.lang.String message, boolean isFatal, javafx.application.HostServices services)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void setInitialFocus()
      Call this to assign the initial focus element.
      • Methods inherited from class javafx.scene.control.Alert

        alertTypeProperty, getAlertType, getButtonTypes, setAlertType
      • Methods inherited from class javafx.scene.control.Dialog

        buildEventDispatchChain, close, contentTextProperty, dialogPaneProperty, getContentText, getDialogPane, getGraphic, getHeaderText, getHeight, getModality, getOnCloseRequest, getOnHidden, getOnHiding, getOnShowing, getOnShown, getOwner, getResult, getResultConverter, getTitle, getWidth, getX, getY, graphicProperty, headerTextProperty, heightProperty, hide, initModality, initOwner, initStyle, isResizable, isShowing, onCloseRequestProperty, onHiddenProperty, onHidingProperty, onShowingProperty, onShownProperty, resizableProperty, resultConverterProperty, resultProperty, setContentText, setDialogPane, setGraphic, setHeaderText, setHeight, setOnCloseRequest, setOnHidden, setOnHiding, setOnShowing, setOnShown, setResizable, setResult, setResultConverter, setTitle, setWidth, setX, setY, show, showAndWait, showingProperty, titleProperty, widthProperty, xProperty, yProperty
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExceptionAlert

        public ExceptionAlert​(javafx.scene.Parent root,
                              java.lang.Throwable throwable,
                              java.lang.String message,
                              boolean isFatal,
                              javafx.application.HostServices services)
        throwable - The throwable exception to display this alert for.
        services - The host services, allows access to HostServices.showDocument(String) in order to display the issue website.
        See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • setInitialFocus

        public void setInitialFocus()
        Call this to assign the initial focus element. This is not done in the constructor so that the object is not exposed to any other threads from within the objects constructor