BlobsReport |
This class is used as the output of operations that detect blobs in an image.
BlobsReport.Blob |
BlurOperation |
An Operation that softens an image using one of several different filters.
CannyEdgeOperation |
An operation that performs canny edge detection on an image.
CascadeClassifierOperation |
Operation for identifying parts of an image with a cascade classifier.
ContoursReport |
ContoursReport.Contour |
ConvexHullsOperation |
An Operation that finds the convex hull of each of a list of contours.
CropOperation |
Crop an image to an exact width and height using one of several origin modes.
DesaturateOperation |
An Operation that converts a color image into shades of gray.
DistanceTransformOperation |
GRIP Operation for opencv_imgproc.distanceTransform(org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, int, int, int) .
FilterContoursOperation |
An Operation that takes in a list of contours and outputs a list of any contours in the
input that match all of several criteria.
FilterLinesOperation |
Given a ListReport, filter only the lines that meet certain criteria.
FindBlobsOperation |
Find groups of similar pixels in a color or grayscale image.
FindContoursOperation |
An Operation that, given a binary image, produces a list of contours of all of the shapes
in the image.
FindLinesOperation |
Find line segments in a color or grayscale image.
HSLThresholdOperation |
An Operation that converts a color image into a binary image based on the HSL threshold
HSVThresholdOperation |
An Operation that converts a color image into a binary image based on the HSV threshold
ranges for each channel.
LinesReport |
This class contains the results of a line detection algorithm.
LinesReport.Line |
MaskOperation |
An Operation that masks out an area of interest from an image.
NormalizeOperation |
GRIP Operation for opencv_core.normalize(org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, double, double, int, int, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat) .
PublishVideoOperation |
Publish an M-JPEG stream with the protocol used by SmartDashboard and the FRC Dashboard.
RectsReport |
Contains the results of a rectangle detection operation.
ResizeOperation |
Scale an image to an exact width and height using one of several interpolation modes.
RGBThresholdOperation |
An Operation that converts a color image into a binary image based on threshold ranges
for each channel.
SaveImageOperation |
Save JPEG files periodically to the local disk.
SwitchOperation |
ThresholdMoving |
Finds the absolute difference between the current image and the previous image.
ThresholdOperation<O extends ThresholdOperation<O>> |
ValveOperation |
WatershedOperation |
GRIP Operation for
opencv_imgproc.watershed(org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat) .