Class MainWindowController

  • public class MainWindowController
    extends java.lang.Object
    The Controller for the application window.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MainWindowController

        public MainWindowController()
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        protected void initialize()
      • newProject

        public void newProject()
        Delete everything in the current project. If there are any steps in the pipeline, an "are you sure?" dialog is shown.
      • openProject

        public void openProject()
        Show a dialog for the user to pick a file to open a project from. If there are any steps in the pipeline, an "are you sure?" dialog is shown. (TODO)
      • saveProject

        public boolean saveProject()
        Immediately save the project to whatever file it was loaded from or previously saved to. If there isn't such a file, this is the same as saveProjectAs().
        true if the user does not cancel the save
      • saveProjectAs

        public boolean saveProjectAs()
        Show a dialog that allows the user to save the current project to a file. If the project was loaded from a file or was previously saved to a file, the dialog should start out in the same directory.
        true if the user does not cancel the save
      • showProjectSettingsEditor

        protected void showProjectSettingsEditor()
      • showProjectAboutDialog

        protected void showProjectAboutDialog()
      • quit

        protected boolean quit()
      • generate

        protected void generate()
        Controls the export button in the main menu. Opens a filechooser with language selection. The user can select the language to export to, save location and file name.
      • deploy

        protected void deploy()
      • onWarningEvent

        public void onWarningEvent​(WarningEvent e)