Class LinkedSocketHint

    • Method Detail

      • linkedInputSocket

        public InputSocket<?> linkedInputSocket​(java.lang.String hintIdentifier)
        Creates an InputSocket that is linked to this SocketHint.
        hintIdentifier - The identifier for this socket's SocketHint
        A socket hint that's socket type is determined by this SocketHint
      • linkedOutputSocket

        public OutputSocket linkedOutputSocket​(java.lang.String hintIdentifier)
        Creates an input socket that is linked to this Socket This output socket will automatically be disconnected when there is no longer an input socket to guarantee the type of this SocketHint.
        hintIdentifier - The identifier for this socket's SocketHint
        An OutputSocket that's type is dynamically linked to this SocketHint
      • isCompatibleWith

        public boolean isCompatibleWith​(SocketHint other)
        Description copied from interface: SocketHint
        Determines if this is able to contain the type of value that the other socket hint contains.
        Specified by:
        isCompatibleWith in interface SocketHint
        isCompatibleWith in class SocketHint.SocketHintDecorator
        other - The other socket hint to check if this hint's type can contain it
        True the two can be connected together