Interface SettingsProvider

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SettingsProvider
    Provides access to the project's settings. This should be injected to get access to the settings.
    • Method Detail

      • getProjectSettings

        ProjectSettings getProjectSettings()
        This object may become out of date if the settings are edited by the user, so objects requiring a preference value should also subscribe to ProjectSettingsChangedEvent to get updates.
        The current per-project settings.
      • getAppSettings

        AppSettings getAppSettings()
        Gets the current global app settings. This object may become out of date if the settings are edited by the user, so objects requiring a preference value should also subscribe to AppSettingsChangedEvent to get updates.
        the current global app settings
      • getCodeGenerationSettings

        CodeGenerationSettings getCodeGenerationSettings()
        Gets the current code generation settings. This object may become out of date if the settings are edited by the user, so objects requiring a preference value should also subscribe to AppSettingsChangedEvent to get updates.
        the current code generation settings