All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AboutDialogController |
AccelerationMode |
App-wide hardware acceleration mode.
AdaptiveThresholdTypesEnum |
AddSourceButton |
A box of buttons that let the user add different kinds of Source s.
AddSourceButton.Factory |
AnalysisController |
Controller for the analysis view.
AppSettings |
Holds settings for the GRIP app.
AppSettingsBeanInfo |
AppSettingsChangedEvent |
An event fired when the app settings are changed.
AutoRestartingService<S extends> |
A Restartable Service that will automatically restart itself if
BenchmarkEvent |
An event posted before and after a pipeline is benchmarked.
BenchmarkRunner |
Benchmark runner.
BlobsReport |
This class is used as the output of operations that detect blobs in an image.
BlobsReport.Blob |
BlobsSocketPreviewView |
A SocketPreviewView for BlobsReports that shows the original image with circles overlayed onto
it, showing the location and size of detected blobs.
BlurOperation |
An Operation that softens an image using one of several different filters.
BooleanPublishable |
An adapter to allow booleans to be published from GRIP sockets into a NetworkPublisher .
BorderTypesEnum |
CameraSource |
Provides a way to generate a constantly updated opencv_core.Mat from a camera.
CameraSource.Factory |
CameraSource.FrameGrabberFactory |
Allows for the creation of a frame grabber using either a device number or URL string address.
CameraSource.FrameGrabberFactoryImpl |
CameraSourceController |
CameraSourceController.Factory |
CameraSourceUpdater |
CannyEdgeOperation |
An operation that performs canny edge detection on an image.
CascadeClassifierOperation |
Operation for identifying parts of an image with a cascade classifier.
CheckboxInputSocketController |
CheckboxInputSocketController.Factory |
ClassifierSource |
A source for the path to a XML classifier file (e.g.
ClassifierSource.Factory |
ClassifierSourceController |
ClassifierSourceController.Factory |
ClassListProcessor |
Processes elements with the GRIP annotations and generates class list files for them.
Cleaner |
Cleans up unused objects by periodically calling System.gc() to nudge the
garbage collector to clean up dead native (JavaCV) objects.
CmpTypesEnum |
CodeGenerationOptionsController |
Controller for the code generation options pane.
CodeGenerationSettings |
Holds options for code generation.
CodeGenerationSettings.Builder |
CodeGenerationSettingsChangedEvent |
An event fired when code generation settings are changed.
CodeGenerationSettingsConverter |
CodeGenerationSettingsDialog |
Dialog for code generation settings.
ColorConversionCodesEnum |
ColormapTypesEnum |
ConnectedComponentsTypesEnum |
Connection<T> |
A connection is a rule that causes one socket to update to always the value of another socket.
Connection.Factory<T> |
ConnectionAddedEvent |
An event that occurs when a new connection is added to the pipeline.
ConnectionConverter<T> |
An XStream converter that marshals and unmarshals Connection s.
ConnectionRemovedEvent |
An event that occurs when a connection is removed from the pipeline.
ConnectionValidator |
Allows Connections to be validated to ensure that the pipeline will remain
ConnectionView |
A JavaFX shape that renders itself as a curve connecting two sockets.
ContextStore |
Keeps a record of contexts claimed by HTTP request handlers.
ContourApproximationModesEnum |
ContoursReport |
ContoursReport.Contour |
ContoursSocketPreviewView |
A preview view for displaying contours.
Controller |
A controller should always provide a method to get the root node that it is controlling.
ControllerMap<C extends Controller,N extends javafx.scene.Node> |
Keeps track of the Nodes in an observable list and provides mapping from a Node to its
respective Controller .
ConvexHullsOperation |
An Operation that finds the convex hull of each of a list of contours.
CooldownRestartPolicy |
Allows you to define a cooldown between failures.
CoreCommandLineHelper |
A helper class for command line options for GRIP.
CovarFlagsEnum |
CppTMethods |
CpuFeaturesEnum |
CropOperation |
Crop an image to an exact width and height using one of several origin modes.
CSHttpCameraFrameGrabber |
CSUsbCameraFrameGrabber |
CsvExporter |
Class for exporting data to CSV.
CudaAccelerationMode |
CudaDetector |
Detects CUDA installs.
CudaOperation |
A partial implementation of Operation that has the option to use CUDA acceleration.
CudaSocket |
A type of input socket that lets an operation know that it should prefer to use a
CUDA-accelerated code path.
CudaVerifier |
CVOperation |
CVOperations |
A list of all of the raw opencv operations.
CVOperations.CVAdaptThresholdTypesEnum |
CVOperations.CVBorderTypesEnum |
CVOperations.CVThresholdTypesEnum |
DaemonThread |
A daemon thread is a minor thread that does not prevent the JVM from exiting.
DataHandler |
Jetty handler for sending HTTP publishing data to a client.
DecompTypesEnum |
DeployController |
JavaFX controller for the deploy tool.
DesaturateOperation |
An Operation that converts a color image into shades of gray.
Description |
Annotates an Operation subclass to describe it.
DftFlagsEnum |
DirtiesSaveEvent |
An event that can potentially dirty the save file.
DistanceTransformLabelTypesEnum |
DistanceTransformMasksEnum |
DistanceTransformOperation |
GRIP Operation for opencv_imgproc.distanceTransform(org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, int, int, int) .
DistanceTypesEnum |
DPIUtility |
Utilities for determining pixel sizes in a way that should work well across operating systems and
screen resolutions.
DragService<T> |
A service to provide data transfer capabilities between two controllers.
Enum |
ErrorCodeEnum |
EventLogger |
Class for logging events as they're posted to the event bus.
ExceptionAlert |
Displays an alert with an exception and provides a place for a user to supply information about
what caused the error.
ExceptionClearedEvent |
Indicates that an flaggedException, originally indicated by a ExceptionEvent , has been
ExceptionEvent |
Indicates that an Exception has occurred.
ExceptionWitness |
Witnesses and reports exception.
ExceptionWitness.Factory |
ExceptionWitnessResponderButton |
ExceptionWitnessResponderButton.ExceptionPopOver |
ExceptionWitnessResponderButton.Factory |
Exporter |
Primary class for creating files and setting up code generation.
FileManager |
A FileManager saves images to disk.
FileNodeTypeEnum |
FileStorageEnum |
FileStorageModeEnum |
FilterContoursOperation |
An Operation that takes in a list of contours and outputs a list of any contours in the
input that match all of several criteria.
FilterLinesOperation |
Given a ListReport, filter only the lines that meet certain criteria.
FindBlobsOperation |
Find groups of similar pixels in a color or grayscale image.
FindContoursOperation |
An Operation that, given a binary image, produces a list of contours of all of the shapes
in the image.
FindLinesOperation |
Find line segments in a color or grayscale image.
FlipCode |
FlipCode Codes from documentation in opencv_core.flip(org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, int)
FloodFillFlagsEnum |
FormatterEnum |
GemmFlagsEnum |
GenericHandler |
Generic Jetty handler.
GrabberService |
A service that manages the lifecycle of a FrameGrabber .
GrabCutClassesEnum |
GrabCutModesEnum |
GripCoreModule |
A Guice Module for GRIP's core package.
GripCudaModule |
GripException |
An exception thrown when something goes wrong with an internal GRIP
GripFileManager |
Implementation of FileManager .
GripFileModule |
GripMode |
An enum that indicates if GRIP is running in GUI mode with JavaFX or as a headless command line
GripNetworkModule |
Defines any concrete implementation mappings between network managers and their real
GripPlatform |
GripPreloader |
GripServer |
An internal HTTP server.
GripServer.JettyServerFactory |
GripServer.JettyServerFactoryImpl |
GripServer.State |
Possible lifecycle states of the server.
GripServerException |
An exception thrown when something goes wrong in the
GripServer .
GripSourcesHardwareModule |
Adds bindings for hardware that is required by Sources
GripUiModule |
A Guice Module for GRIP's UI package.
HammingEnum |
HersheyFontsEnum |
HexagonGrid |
HistCompMethodsEnum |
HoughModesEnum |
HSLThresholdOperation |
An Operation that converts a color image into a binary image based on the HSL threshold
HSVThresholdOperation |
An Operation that converts a color image into a binary image based on the HSV threshold
ranges for each channel.
HttpImageHandler |
Jetty handler for incoming images to be used by HttpSource .
HttpPipelineSwitcher |
Jetty handler responsible for loading pipelines sent over HTTP.
HttpPublishManager |
Manager for publishing data to the internal HTTP server.
HttpPublishOperation<D,P extends Publishable> |
An operation for publishing data to the internal HTTP server, from which which remote
applications can request the data.
HttpSource |
Provides a way to generate a Mat from an image that has been POSTed to the
internal HTTP server.
HttpSource.Factory |
HttpSourceController |
HttpSourceController.Factory |
Icon |
Utility class for fetching icon streams.
ImageBasedPreviewView<T> |
Base class for image previews.
ImageConverter |
Utility class for creating a JavaFX image from an OpenCV image.
ImageFileSource |
Provides a way to generate a opencv_core.Mat from an image on the filesystem.
ImageFileSource.Factory |
ImageLoadingUtility |
A utility wrapper for loading images from the file system.
ImageSocketPreviewView |
A SocketPreviewView that previews sockets containing OpenCV Mats.
InputSocket<T> |
InputSocket.Decorator<T> |
InputSocket.Factory |
InputSocketController<T> |
A JavaFX input that renders an InputSocket that is an input to a step.
InputSocketController.BaseInputSocketControllerFactory<T> |
InputSocketControllerFactory |
Factory for constructing editable controls for input sockets.
InputSocketImpl<T> |
InputSocketImpl.FactoryImpl |
Needed to get around Guice's inability to inject a generic typed factory.
InterpolationFlagsEnum |
InterpolationMasksEnum |
IPCameraFrameGrabber |
JavaCvSink |
JavaTMethods |
JavaToMessageConverter<J,M extends org.ros.internal.message.Message> |
Used to convert from a java type to a ROS message.
KmeansFlagsEnum |
Language |
An enum representing code generation languages.
Launch |
Launch |
LineSegmentDetectorModesEnum |
LinesReport |
This class contains the results of a line detection algorithm.
LinesReport.Line |
LinesSocketPreviewView |
A SocketPreviewView that previews sockets containing containing the result of a line
detection algorithm.
LineTypesEnum |
LinkedSocketHint |
A SocketHint that's type is linked between many other sockets and who's type is defined
by whatever InputSocket was connected to it first.
ListSpinnerInputSocketController |
ListSpinnerInputSocketController.Factory |
LoadingCudaDetector |
Checks if CUDA is available by attempting to load one of the OpenCV CUDA class' JNI.
LoggableEvent |
Interface for loggable events.
Loggers |
LoggingListener |
A service listener that will log the service as it transitions between various different states.
LogTextArea |
A text area that is used to display a log.
Main |
Main driver class for headless mode.
Main |
MainWindowController |
The Controller for the application window.
Manager |
A network manager that handles all of the API overhead for dealing with a specific network
MapNetworkPublisher<T> |
Publishes a map of keys to values.
MapNetworkPublisherFactory |
MapNetworkReceiverFactory |
MaskOperation |
An Operation that masks out an area of interest from an image.
MatEnum |
MatFieldAccessor |
MatWrapper |
Wraps a GPU mat and a CPU mat and allows device memory and host memory
to be used semi-transparently.
MetaInfReader |
Reads class registries from the META-INF directory.
MinMaxLoc |
Operation to call opencv_core.minMaxLoc(org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, org.bytedeco.javacpp.DoublePointer, org.bytedeco.javacpp.DoublePointer, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Point, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Point, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat) .
MorphShapesEnum |
MorphTypesEnum |
MultiImageFileSource |
A Source that supports multiple images.
MultiImageFileSource.Factory |
MultiImageFileSourceController |
MultiImageFileSourceController.Factory |
NetworkPublisher<T> |
NetworkPublishOperation<D> |
Abstract superclass for operations that publish data.
NetworkReceiver |
NetworkTableEntrySource |
Provides a way to get a Type from a NetworkTable that GRIP is connected to.
NetworkTableEntrySource.Factory |
NetworkTableEntrySource.Types |
NewPointOperation |
NewSizeOperation |
NormalizeOperation |
GRIP Operation for opencv_core.normalize(org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, double, double, int, int, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat) .
NormTypesEnum |
NoSocketTypeLabel |
By default, the GUI shows labels for the type of each socket based on Class.getSimpleName() .
NTManager |
This class encapsulates the way we map various settings to the global NetworkTables state.
NTPublishAnnotatedOperation<D,P extends Publishable> |
An operation that publishes any type that implements Publishable to NetworkTables.
NullAccelerationMode |
NullCudaDetector |
NumberPublishable |
An adapter to allow numbers to be published from GRIP sockets into a NetworkPublisher .
NumberSpinnerInputSocketController |
NumberSpinnerInputSocketController.Factory |
Observable<T> |
An observable wraps a value that, when changed, will notify listeners of the change.
Observer<T> |
Operation |
The common interface used by Step s in a pipeline to call various operations.
OperationAddedEvent |
Event for when a new operation is added to the application.
OperationCategory |
The categories that entries can be in.
OperationController |
A JavaFX control that renders information about an Operation .
OperationController.Factory |
OperationDescription |
An interface describing how an operation should be displayed in the Palette to the user.
OperationDescription.Builder |
Builder class for OperationDescription .
OperationDragService |
OperationListController |
OperationMetaData |
Holds metadata for an operation.
Operations |
OutputSocket<T> |
OutputSocket.Factory |
OutputSocketController |
A JavaFX control that renders an OutputSocket that is the output of a step.
OutputSocketController.Factory |
OutputSocketImpl<T> |
OutputSocketImpl.FactoryImpl |
Palette |
The palette is a library of operations that can be added as steps in the Pipeline .
PaletteController |
Controller for a list of the available operations that the user may select from.
ParamEnum |
ParametrizedController |
Tag a JavaFX controller that needs to use assisted injection to instantiate the fields.
Pausable |
An interface for pausable execution units.
PCAFlagsEnum |
PedanticHandler |
A handler that will only run if a request is on the same path as its context.
Pipeline |
Pipeline has the list of steps in a computer vision algorithm, as well as the set of connections
between the inputs and outputs of different steps.
PipelineController |
A JavaFX controller for the pipeline.
PipelineRunner |
Runs the pipeline in a separate thread.
PointSizeSocketPreviewView<T extends org.bytedeco.javacpp.IntPointer> |
PreviewsController |
Controller for a container that automatically shows previews of all sockets marked as
PreviousNext |
An Object that can switch its value.
PreviousNextButtons |
A button that can be used to control anything that is PreviousNext .
Project |
Helper for saving and loading a processing pipeline to and from a file.
ProjectSettings |
This object holds settings that are saved in project files.
ProjectSettingsBeanInfo |
ProjectSettingsChangedEvent |
This event is posted after the ProjectSettings are changed so anything that relies on
them can immediately update without restarting the application.
ProjectSettingsConverter |
ProjectSettingsEditor |
Publishable |
Interface for classes that can be published with a NetworkPublisher.
PublishableObject |
Marks a type as being publishable by a network operation.
PublishableProxy |
Marks a class as being a publishable proxy for a non-publishable type, like
BooleanPublishable for Boolean .
PublishableRosProxy |
PublishAnnotatedOperation<D,P extends Publishable> |
Publishes data to a specific network protocol.
PublishValue |
Annotation for accessors of values that should be published to a NetworkProtocol.
PublishVideoOperation |
Publish an M-JPEG stream with the protocol used by SmartDashboard and the FRC Dashboard.
PythonScriptFile |
PythonScriptOperation |
A class that implements an operation using Jython.
PythonTMethods |
RangeInputSocketController |
RangeInputSocketController.Factory |
RectanglesIntersectTypesEnum |
RectangleSocketPreviewView |
Preview for a rectangle report socket.
RectsReport |
Contains the results of a rectangle detection operation.
ReduceTypesEnum |
RenderEvent |
An event that occurs when the pipeline has completed a run.
ResizableImageView |
A custom implementation of an image view that resizes to fit its parent container.
ResizeOperation |
Scale an image to an exact width and height using one of several interpolation modes.
RestartableService |
This interface defines a Service that breaks the guarantee that the Service.State.FAILED
and Service.State.TERMINATED states are terminal states.
RetrievalModesEnum |
RGBThresholdOperation |
An Operation that converts a color image into a binary image based on threshold ranges
for each channel.
RNGEnum |
ROSLoader |
This class is copied from CommandLineLoader and modified to allow
for loading without using command line arguments.
ROSManager |
Manages the lifecycle of ROS Nodes.
ROSMessagePublisher |
ROSMessagePublisher.Converter |
ROSNetworkPublisherFactory |
A factory that can be used to publish ROS messages.
ROSPublishOperation<D> |
An operation that can publish a type to ROS using the java to message converter.
RunPipelineEvent |
RunStartedEvent |
An event fired when the pipeline starts running.
RunStoppedEvent |
An event fired when the pipeline stops running.
SafeShutdown |
This class should be used to shutdown GRIP safely.
SafeShutdown.ExitCode |
Exit codes used by the GRIP application.
SafeShutdown.PreSystemExitHook |
SaveImageOperation |
Save JPEG files periodically to the local disk.
SearchUtility |
Utility for fuzzy text searching.
SelectInputSocketController<T> |
An InputSocketController that shows a drop-down menu containing all of the possible
values for the socket.
SelectInputSocketController.Factory<T> |
ServiceRestartPolicy |
SetStepsExpandedEvent |
Toggles every steps' visibility.
Settings |
Marker interface for a settings class.
SettingsProvider |
Provides access to the project's settings.
SimpleObservable<T> |
Default thread-unsafe implementation of Observable .
SimpleSettingsBeanInfo |
Simple bean info for a settings class.
SingleActionListener |
Will run the same runnable regardless of what listener callback is being called.
SinglePermitSemaphore |
A semaphore that behaves as if there was exactly one permit that can be acquired.
SliderInputSocketController |
SliderInputSocketController.Factory |
Socket<T> |
A Socket is an abstract wrapper for a value that can be updated and passed around operations.
Socket.Direction |
SocketChangedEvent |
An event that occurs when the value stored in a socket changes.
SocketConnectedChangedEvent |
This event is sent when the state of a socket (connected vs.
SocketConverter |
An XStream converter for serializing and deserializing sockets.
SocketHandleView |
The bubble next to each socket that connections go in and out of This class handles the
drag-and-drop events that allow users to add and remove connections.
SocketHandleView.Factory |
SocketHandleView.SocketDragService |
Provides a singleton object to assign the socket being dragged from during dragging to allow
for a connection to be made.
SocketHint<T> |
A SocketHint is a descriptor that gives some information about one of the inputs or
outputs of an Operation.
SocketHint.BasicSocketHint<T> |
A concrete implementation of the SocketHint class that provides the functionality of a raw
SocketHint.Builder<T> |
SocketHint.IdentiferOverridingSocketHintDecorator<T> |
SocketHint.SocketHintDecorator<T> |
SocketHint.View |
SocketHints |
SocketHints.Inputs |
SocketHints.Outputs |
SocketImpl<T> |
A concrete implementation of Socket .
SocketPreviewChangedEvent |
An event that occurs when a OutputSocket is set to be either previewed or not previewed.
SocketPreviewView<T> |
A JavaFX control that shows a preview of the current value of a socket.
SocketPreviewViewFactory |
SolveLPResultEnum |
SortFlagsEnum |
Source |
Base class for an input into the pipeline.
Source.SourceFactory |
Source.SourceFactoryImpl |
SourceAddedEvent |
An event that occurs when a new source is added to the pipeline.
SourceController<S extends Source> |
A JavaFX control that represents a Source .
SourceController.BaseSourceControllerFactory<S extends Source> |
SourceControllerFactory |
BaseSourceControllerFactory for creating views to control sources.
SourceConverter |
XStream converter for sources.
SourceHasPendingUpdateEvent |
An event that occurs when a source has an update pending for the PipelineRunner to handle.
SourceRemovedEvent |
An event that occurs when a source is removed from the pipeline.
SparseMatEnum |
Spinners |
Utility methods to set up spinners in a safe way.
StartSingleBenchmarkRunEvent |
An event representing the start of a single benchmarked pipeline run.
StartStoppableButton |
StartStoppableButton.Factory |
Statistics |
Statistics analysis.
Step |
A step is an instance of an operation in a pipeline.
Step.Factory |
StepAddedEvent |
An event that occurs when a new step is added to the pipeline.
StepController |
A JavaFX control that shows a step in the pipeline.
StepController.Factory |
Used for assisted injects.
StepConverter |
An XStream converter that converts a Step to and from a serialized representation.
StepDragService |
Service for dragging and dropping a step.
StepIndexer |
An interface for getting the indices of steps.
StepMovedEvent |
An event that occurs when a new step is moved from one position to another in the pipeline.
StepRemovedEvent |
An event that occurs when a new step is removed from the pipeline.
StopPipelineEvent |
This event is posted to tell the pipeline to stop executing.
StringInMemoryFile |
A "file" that can be transfered uses SSHJ's scp routines, but is backed by an in-memory string
instead of an actual file.
StyleClassNameUtility |
Creates CSS style classes and ID's for nodes.
SubdivEnum |
SupplierWithIO<T> |
A supplier that can throw an IO exception.
SVDFlagsEnum |
SwitchOperation |
SynchronizedObservable<T> |
TemplateFactory |
TemplateMatchModesEnum |
TemplateMethods |
TermCriteriaTypeEnum |
TextAreaSocketPreviewView<T> |
A SocketPreviewView that previews sockets by simply calling their
toString() method and showing the result in a text area.
TextFieldInputSocketController |
TextFieldInputSocketController.Factory |
ThresholdMoving |
Finds the absolute difference between the current image and the previous image.
ThresholdOperation<O extends ThresholdOperation<O>> |
ThresholdTypesEnum |
Timer |
Timer for code that gets run.
Timer.Factory |
TimerEvent |
An event fired when a Timer finishes timing something.
TInput |
TitledPane |
Custom implementation of a titled pane.
TOutput |
TPipeline |
TPipeline(template pipeline) is a data structure
that holds the information about a pipeline
needed by the velocity templates to generate code.
TSocket |
This class is a socket for a step and is extended by TOutput and TInput.
TStep |
UICommandLineHelper |
Command line helper for the UI.
UMatDataEnum |
UMatEnum |
UMatUsageFlagsEnum |
UndistortTypesEnum |
UnexpectedThrowableEvent |
Event should be thrown when Unexpected Throwable ends up in an Thread.uncaughtExceptionHandler .
UnexpectedThrowableEvent.UnexpectedThrowableEventHandler |
A functional interface allowing for UnexpectedThrowableEvents to be handled safely.
ValveOperation |
Vector2D |
A type publishable to a NetworkPublisher that consists of two numbers.
VideoFileSource |
A source for a video file input.
VideoFileSource.Factory |
VideoFileSourceController |
VideoFileSourceController.Factory |
WarningAlert |
An alert that warns the user when they try to do something unsupported, such as trying to
generate code with an operation that does not support code gen.
WarningEvent |
An event fired when the user should be warned they tried to do something unsupported, such as
trying to generate code with an operation that does not support code gen.
WatershedOperation |
GRIP Operation for
opencv_imgproc.watershed(org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat, org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat) .