Class Step

  • public class Step
    extends java.lang.Object
    A step is an instance of an operation in a pipeline. A step contains a list of input and output sockets, and it runs the operation whenever one of the input sockets changes.
    • Method Detail

      • getOperationDescription

        public OperationDescription getOperationDescription()
        The description for the step.
      • getInputSockets

        public<InputSocket> getInputSockets()
        An array of InputSockets that hold the inputs to this step.
      • getOutputSockets

        public<OutputSocket> getOutputSockets()
        A list of OutputSockets that hold the outputs of this step.
      • runPerformIfPossible

        protected final void runPerformIfPossible()
        The Operation.perform() method should only be called if all Socket.getValue() are not empty. If one input is invalid then the perform method will not run and all output sockets will be assigned to their default values. If no input sockets have changed values, the perform method will not run.
      • runPerform

        protected final void runPerform​(boolean force)
        The Operation.perform() method should only be called if all Socket.getValue() are not empty. If one input is invalid then the perform method will not run and all output sockets will be assigned to their default values.
        force - if this step should be forced to run. If true, the operation's perform method will be called if every input is valid regardless of 'dirtiness'.
      • setRemoved

        public final void setRemoved()
        Sets this step as having been removed.
      • removed

        protected boolean removed()
        Allows checks to see if this step has had its perform method disabled. If this value ever returns false it will never return true again.
        true if runPerformIfPossible can run successfully
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object