Package edu.wpi.grip.core.util
Interface Summary Interface Description ExceptionWitness.Factory Pausable An interface for pausable execution units.SafeShutdown.PreSystemExitHook -
Class Summary Class Description DaemonThread A daemon thread is a minor thread that does not prevent the JVM from exiting.ExceptionWitness Witnesses and reports exception.Icon Utility class for fetching icon streams.ImageLoadingUtility A utility wrapper for loading images from the file system.MetaInfReader Reads class registries from the META-INF directory.SafeShutdown This class should be used to shutdown GRIP safely.SinglePermitSemaphore A semaphore that behaves as if there was exactly one permit that can be acquired. -
Enum Summary Enum Description GripMode An enum that indicates if GRIP is running in GUI mode with JavaFX or as a headless command line application.SafeShutdown.ExitCode Exit codes used by the GRIP application.